It seems like Game Center is sending same data twice

Is it possible for Game Center to send the exact same data to the same player twice?

I am frequently (not all of the time) noticing, the same exact data being received twice, which is causing issues in my application.

I am using the following functions in GameKitHelper to send and receive data in my application:

func sendDataToPlayer(data: Data!, gkPlayer: GKPlayer) 
   var playerArray: [GKPlayer] = [ ]
   do {
         try myMatch?.send(data, to: playerArray, dataMode: .reliable)
   catch {

    func match(_ match: GKMatch,
               didReceive data: Data,
               forRecipient recipient: GKPlayer,
              fromRemotePlayer player: GKPlayer)

I am experiencing the same exact data coming into the "didReceive data:" function with the exact same data, recipient and player values

Has anyone seen this duplicate data issue before?

I see this issue when testing with 2 real iPhones and the simulator (ie: 3 players). I do not see this issue when testing with 1 iPhone and the simualtor (ie: 2 players).

As a side question .... what is the difference between:

1) match(_: didReceive: forRecipient: fromRemotePlayer:)


2) match (_: didReceive: fromRemotePlayer:)

Accepted Reply

To work around this unexpected issue, I store the last few received messages and then compare any new messages I received against the ones stored. if there is a match, I simply throw the new incoming message away.


To work around this unexpected issue, I store the last few received messages and then compare any new messages I received against the ones stored. if there is a match, I simply throw the new incoming message away.