Changing Product Name of macOS Application


We have a macOS application available on macOS AppStore and we would need to change the "Product Name" of the application due to rebranding.

On iOS we could just change the "CFBundleDisplayName" and the app name shown to user is changed at all places without touching Product Name. But it seems it is not possible on macOS application as it uses the "Product Name" at few places like under Applications and in the Menu bar.

Can anyone comment if changing the product name is recommended for the already published apps on the App Store? Would it cause any issued while updating the apps on the Macs when this new update is published? Is it possible in macOS to not touch Product Name/Bundle Name and achieve the same as in case of iOS?




From the technical side of this:

is there something that prevents you from renaming the menu items in the xib or .string files?