CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() remembered after app deleted

It seems that recently on iOS 13 and XCode 11 I am seeing that the CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus().

The reason I say this is because upon using breakpoints and such after deleting the app and reinstalling the app the status is authorizedAlways when I would expect it to be notDetermined like previous. Anyone else noticing this?

It's posing some problems with the start up of my iOS application. Currently during our start up process we rely on a change in the authorization status to advance the application past a load up screen. Only way I could find to halt a user at a loading screen until the user has responded to the request for location services.

Anyway.. is this an iOS bug or is it supposed to be a feature?

Accepted Reply

I have the same behavior, but only in the Simulator. When installing and deleting the app on a real device, the authorizationStatus will be .notDetermined again.

So this is probably a bug


I have the same behavior, but only in the Simulator. When installing and deleting the app on a real device, the authorizationStatus will be .notDetermined again.

So this is probably a bug