Not able to see Update button, when a new version of the app is available on App Store.

Hi, I uploaded a build version with 2.0.1, previous was 2.0.0. App has uploaded successfully and showing version number 2.0.1 but I am seeing DOWNLOAD button instead of UPDATE. I wait for to see UPDATE button instead of DOWNLOAD more then 24 hour, but till now It is showing DOWNLOAD button. Due to this problem, user is not able to see the new version available, even on the updates list. Please help me. Thanks in advance.


I would contact the developer support to ask them to check.

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How long since you uploaded the new version ? May take usually 24 hours to be taken into account.

I had uploaded the build on 7 November around 8 pm. It got approved on 7 November around 11:50 pm. Now also it is showing download option, instead of update. Even when clicking on the updates icon, bottom of the screen on App Store, a list of app appears whose update, needs to be done... there also my app is not in the list. Update icon never appears for my app, even since I am uploading app.

Just a check: did you make sure increase the build number ?

Yes, I have increased the build number. Last build version was 2.0.0 and the new build version was 2.0.1.

That is the version number, not the build number.

Select the Project (at the very top of the left panel of XCode, with the blue icon)

Select targets

Select General

You see several fields and notably:

- version (taht is probably where you have 2.0.1)

- Build: this must be increased for each submission to AppStore.

What I do, to be sure is to enter here date of the day of build a yyyymmdd : 20191111 for today.

Build number is also increased last release was with build number 2, (2.0.0(2)) and new release is having build number 3, (2.0.1(3)).... So, I don't think that this issue is becuase of build number.

OK, if build numbers are 1, 2, 3, that should be OK !

But what do you mean (2.0.0(2)). Is is just to explain or something you defined in plist ?

It was just to explain you.... this is not written in my plist.... the number inside parentheses, like 2 in 2.0.0(2), represents the build number.

OK then, build numbers are correct.

Did you call support ? Contact Us

Call support wasn't available, I have just mailed them regarding this issue.... But haven't received any response till now, from them... Waiting fro there response.