List Core Data Entity Relationships

How do I list the relationships of a particular entity that is fetched?

I know how to list the entries for the entity itself, but I can't figure out how to list one-to-many relationships in a List.

See this code:

struct TodoItemView: View {
    var todoList: TodoList

    var body: some View {
        VStack {

            List {
                ForEach(todoList.todoItems, id: \.self) {todoItem in

That is producing errors and I have no clue how to fix them:

  • Protocol type 'NSSet.Element' (aka 'Any') cannot conform to 'Hashable' because only concrete types can conform to protocols
  • Value of type 'NSSet.Element' (aka 'Any') has no member 'title'

I've set up my TodoList entity to have a one-to-many with TodoITem. I fetch the todoList in the previous view and then pass it to this view:

@Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var managedObjectContext
    entity: TodoList.entity(),
    sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(key: "order", ascending: true)]
) var todoLists: FetchedResults<TodoList>

// ...more code here

List {
    ForEach(todoLists, id: \.self) {todoList in
        NavigationLink(destination: TodoItemView(todoList: todoList), label: {
            Text(todoList.title!).foregroundColor(stringToColor(string: todoList.color!))

How do I use todoList.todoItems in a ForEach loop the same way so that I can also run CRUD operations on it as well?


Can you share the code for the TodoList type? It sounds as though the `todoItems` property is defined only as an NSSet, not a set of some particular type. If you cast it to the appropriate concrete type (i.e. Set<TodoItem>) then you should find that the errors go away.

I'm not using manual classes for the I need to create my own entity class and cast the relationship?

I'm having the same issue. Have you figured this out yet?


the ToDoList and the ToDoItem relationship is one-to-many, so (if you take the usual, default Class Definition codegen method), XCode will generate the ToDoList class having an property toDoItems: NSSet?.

you can turn those items into an array of the right type and work with it using something like this:

struct TodoItemView: View { 
  var todoList: TodoList 
  var toDoItems: [ToDoItem] = {
    if let items = todoList.toDoItems as? Set {
      return Array(items)
    return [ToDoItem]()

  var body: some View { 
    VStack { 
      List { 
        ForEach(toDoItems, id: \.self) {todoItem in 

i think this works -- but, apologies, i haven't tested (i'm guessing a little on this, but i have used a type conversion like the one above several times [thanks, Paul Hudson @twostraws]).

hope this helps,


Hi @DelawareMathGuy I solved this in my code exactly like in your solution, but I find that when changing a variable like a boolean "done" and saving the viewContext the value is stored, but the SwiftUI View doesn't update. How could I fix that?

in response to @toqix, i don't know exactly the definition of your entities, but the general principle is that if entity A has a one-to-many relationship with entity B (that is, each A can have many Bs, but each B is associated with only one A), then changing an attribute's value on a B does not trigger a SwiftUI view update on a view that is driven by a @FetchRequest or @ObservedObject for A -- because no attribute of A has been changed.

the solution is usually that if you change an attribute's value on a B, then also determine its associated A, possibly some a = B.referenceBackToA (depending on how you named the relationship in B), and call a?.objectWillChange.send().

hope that helps,