Is there a very simple sample application that shows how to program the Siri Remote for motion gestures with tvOS?

Is there a very simple sample application that shows how to program and visualize the Siri Remote X, Y, Z location for motion gestures with tvOS? I would like to program the tvOS with the GameController kit to make a motion sensitive app using Siri Remote.

All I see online in stackexchange is the following and it is outdated through changes in the API by Apple:

Any ideas?


I had to hack on this a (very little) bit, but it'll show you how to get accel, gyro, tap, button presses, and swipe from the siri remote.

It takes a surprising bit more to fully use the sony, xbox, and steel controllers,

but the same code reacts to other controllers in a limited way. Better than nothing.

Miss the old days when Apple would publish sample code for a framework and update it...