Account role

Hi, I am trying to set my existing AppleID as a "free" developer account, but I cannot manage to do so.

I logged in to using my existing AppleID, accepted the terms&conditions, but once inside I cannot see the "Certificates" section on the left menu; moreover, when I add that AppleId to my Xcode (Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts), it is listed with a "User" role, and there is no way for me to generate a signing certificate.

I would like to use this type of account to build my apps and test them on my device.



I am having exactly the same problem. Did you find a way to solve it?

Sorry, did you find a way to solve it?

I have the same problem.

See this thread [how i can have free Developer Program ] with an already moderated link that explains Xcode's free provisioning process (with screenshots) - be sure to read all the way thru it and any updates at the bottom.

Once you get to the write up, you will learn why in this case you are not going to find 'Certificates....'

Good luck.