AVAudioEngine bug after media service rest

On iPadOS13 all "AVAudioPlayerNodes" that are attached to an "AVAudioEngine" are over-released after a "Media Service Rest".

My application uses the "AVAudioEngine" similar to the "AVAudioEngine3DAudioExample".
When I reset the media service (settings>developer>reset media service) my application receives an "AVAudioSession.mediaServicesWereResetNotification". When my app receives this notification, the app reattaches the player nodes to a new AVAudioEngine.

Like this example from "AVAudioEngine3DAudioExample" ( ~ line 438).

// Example form AVAudioEngine3DAudioExample
- (void)createEngineAndAttachNodes {
    _engine = [[AVAudioEngine alloc] init];

    [_engine attachNode:_environment];
    [_engine attachNode:_launchSoundPlayer];

    for (int i = 0; i < _collisionPlayerArray.count; i++)
        [_engine attachNode:[_collisionPlayerArray objectAtIndex:i]]; // <- Crash

// Example in Swift as I use it in my app
func createAVAudioEngineAndAttachNodes() {
        // Create a new engine
        self.avAudioEngine = AVAudioEngine()
        // Attach all nodes.
        for player in self.allAudioPlayers {
            self.avAudioEngine.attach(player)// <- Crash


EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x0)

#0 0x0000000187538240 in objc_retain ()

#1 0x00000001944b83a8 in -[AVAudioPlayerNode didAttachToEngine:] ()

#2 0x00000001944c4690 in AVAudioEngineImpl::AttachNode(AVAudioNode*, bool) ()

#3 0x00000001944c7dcc in -[AVAudioEngine attachNode:] ()

#4 ....

I'm using swift 5 and the code works perfectly on iOS12 and macOS. I assume the media reset somehow destroys the AVAudioPlayerNode because it crashes when the AVFoundation framework trys to retain the audio player.

Can someone confirm this issu or provide a workaround?


hi,i do have the same crash with the same stack ending on

#10x00000001af3850c4 in -[AVAudioPlayerNode didAttachToEngine:] ()

have you found the solution/cause or workaround?