Problems about the apple SWIFTUI tutorial.

i just follow the apple's SwiftUi tutorial class (Building Lists and Navigation) and download the file to learn how to code in Swift. when i created a landmarkrow in supporting views. it said that Failed to register bundle identifier. The app identifier "" cannot be registered to your development team. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again. And said that (No profiles for '' were found: Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching ''.) what should i do ??

Am I need to create a developer account and pay for it ???


No, you're not required to have a paid account in this example, however, there are some details you may need to be aware of when using Xcode's free provisioning*, and then do a clean build folder via the Product menu, being sure to also use your own bundleID. I suggest to allow auto code signing and wait for Xcode to do the work on the backend for you, which shouldn't take too long.

*See this thread [how i can have free Developer Program ] with an already moderated link that explains Xcode's free provisioning process (with screenshots) - be sure to read all the way thru it, and any updates at the bottom.

If you have questions about SUI and/or the tutorial itself, pls. try theSwiftUI forum.

Good luck.