Looking for Opinions on Dark Mode


I currently have an iOS app that is mostly text. Would it be beneficial to convert it to Dark Mode, or leave it as it is?


Dan Uff

Accepted Reply


I vote sure, use it also - among other details, Apple says this about that:

"All apps should support both light and dark interface styles, but might perform better with a specific appearance in some places. For example, you might always adopt a light appearance for printed content."



Yes, I think it is much needed.

Not specifically because your app will look better (in some cases, I find it worse), but imagine the use case.

Some one using his/her iPhone, to read at night.

Then, he goes to your app and… flash, a full bright white screen. Really unpleasant for the eyes.

So, yes, for the sake of iPhone consistency and user comfort, it is just better, and Apple advises strongly to do it.

BTW, it is really simple to do.


I vote sure, use it also - among other details, Apple says this about that:

"All apps should support both light and dark interface styles, but might perform better with a specific appearance in some places. For example, you might always adopt a light appearance for printed content."


Thank you.