Xcode 11 debug message area shows unknown messages for keyboard extension.

Hi there,

I have developed a keyboard extension.

After Xcode updated to 11 GM, I noticed the following warning.

2019-09-19 13:05:34.662500+0900 keyboard[4053:760870] [lifecycle  ]
WARNING! Sole personality requested when nil; THIS MAY BE A SPURIOUS LAUNCH OF THE PLUGIN due to a message to an XPC endpoint other than the main service endpoint; personalities: {
    "bundle.id.keyboard" =     {
        1772 = "<PKServicePersonality: 0x2833510a0; core = <PKPlugInCore: 0x2833510a0; uuid = [B130B9A3-A841-4B0B-8AD8-36304E96D420], identifier = [bundle.id.keyboard(1.0.0)], isAppExtension = 1, onSystemVolume = 0, containingBundle = [(null)], lastModified = 0, discoveryInstanceUUID = [(null)], path = [/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/dir/Sample.app/PlugIns/keyboard.appex]>, host pid = 1772>";
2019-09-19 13:03:42.634648+0900 keyboard[4053:760203] [lifecycle  ] [u 3F02CD60-EFF3-4B97-AB80-18224FC694D0] [bundle.id.keyboard(1.0.0)]
WARNING! Sole personality is ambiguous; this may lead to erradic behavior; personalities: {
    "bundle.id.keyboard" =     {
        4047 = "<PKServicePersonality: 0x283351420; core = <PKPlugInCore: 0x283351420; uuid = [1591FF90-CB1D-4D65-97AF-83F3B7F691FC], identifier = [bundle.id.keyboard(1.0.0)], isAppExtension = 1, onSystemVolume = 0, containingBundle = [(null)], lastModified = 0, discoveryInstanceUUID = [(null)], path = [/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/dir/Sample.app/PlugIns/keyboard.appex]>, host pid = 4047>";
        4056 = "<PKServicePersonality: 0x2833cc9a0; core = <PKPlugInCore: 0x2833cc9a0; uuid = [3F02CD60-EFF3-4B97-AB80-18224FC694D0], identifier = [bundle.id.keyboard(1.0.0)], isAppExtension = 1, onSystemVolume = 0, containingBundle = [(null)], lastModified = 0, discoveryInstanceUUID = [(null)], path = [/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/dir/Sample.app/PlugIns/keyboard.appex]>, host pid = 4056>";

What does this means?


  • Xcode: 11 GM 2
  • iOS: 13 GM
  • Device: iPhone 6s


Did you manage to solve this? I receive similar warnings running my keyboard extension.

Hi deiman,

Sorry. Not yet.


  • Xcode: 11.1
  • iOS: 13.1.2
  • Device: iPhone 11

Sincerely yours,


FWIW, I haven't seen this with my own keyboard extension. Maybe some differences in init sequence explain the difference.