PushKit iOS 13 - Limitation With CallKit in China and PTT Call

With the changes enforced and outlined in https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2019/707/, We are now forced to report an incoming CallKit call immediately after receiving the VoIP notification. We are using PushKit in voip context, but not neccessarly with CallKit. How does Apple expect us to deal with these situations:

  1. CallKit with China: As you know, apps cannot use CallKit for users in Mainland China since 2018. How should a VoIP app handle receiving a PushKit VoIP push for a user in Mainland China?
  2. VoIP Calls not compatible with CallKit interface: Our application support VoIP/Video Call which is compatible with CallKit and PTT (Walkie-Talkie) Call which is not compatible with Call system interface as we are not able to customise the Call Interface with specific design (PTT button, timer...). Notification Service extension is not the good option as we need to handle 2 different Notification based on Call Type: PushKit Notification for VoIP/Video Call and Standard Notification for PTT !!

Last point: There are various articles in the news discussing the tightening of VNS requirements in iOS 13. They all mention April 2020 as the deadline to comply with the news rules. Could you confirm that April 2020 is the correct deadline?


We are trying to solve same issue. Maybe Apple is not enforcing this requirement in China, but we have not checked that.

So, right now it seems that with usage of xCode 11, we can only use Remote notifications for China. But that can decrease user experience.