Siri Shortcut Parameter Handling

Hi everyone,

I have created a small sample project to create a chat flow with Siri.

The Siri Shortcut is created to show random colour and to ask for one new parameter called "parameter".

Inside the default Shortcut app, it works fine and I am able to trigger the parameter entry with the following code continuously.

    func resolveParameter(for intent: ShowRandomColorIntent, with completion: @escaping (INStringResolutionResult) -> Void) {

I have configured the Siri Shortcut to use the phrase "Show Random Color".

After I trigger it, I am prompted directly to the Shortcut app to enter the parameter.

Siri doesn't know how to ask the prompt dialog question in order to resolve the parameter.

I have tried multiple attempts and the result is the same.

Any idea how to trigger Siri to talk instead of jumping to the shortcut app?




Add to the case based on the soup chef example.

The soup chef example can be downloaded and run smoothly in x code 11.

After using the add to siri button to add the order to siri shortcut, the shortcut can be triggered in Siri.

However, the first question about toppings is asked inside the shortcut app, not inside siri with dialogue prompts.

This makes it impossible to create voice dialogues with Siri using parameters.


