Command CompileXIB failed with a nonzero exit code

I have the problem when building ios app using Xcode. That was going well before while building the project. Idk why it appears something weird on the error message. There is nothing wrong with my code actually.

The error message said to look like this:

CompileXIB /Users/saiful/Documents/test-ios/test/test/Base.lproj/RoomResultTableViewCell.xib (in target: test) cd /Users/saiful/Documents/test-ios/test export XCODE_DEVELOPER_USR_PATH=/Applications/ /Applications/ --errors --warnings --notices --module test --output-partial-info-plist /Users/saiful/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/test-bgtolzqqziiyvkfqjgwogitynwsj/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ --auto-activate-custom-fonts --target-device iphone --minimum-deployment-target 9.0 --output-format human-readable-text --compile /Users/saiful/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/test-bgtolzqqziiyvkfqjgwogitynwsj/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ /Users/saiful/Documents/test-ios/test/test/Base.lproj/RoomResultTableViewCell.xib

But when I tried to build again the error message will throw the other XIB or storyboard name.

I already tried to clean and rebuild. Also, remove the derived data and reopen my Xcode. Anw I'm using git for my project. Is that something missed out while I'm moving to another branch?


were you able to figure out what was the issue ?

Hey there, I was facing the same problem. I solved it by going to pods file > see the Inspector on the right and change project format from xcode 10 to xcode 11.

Hope this helps cheers

For me entering "sudo rm -f /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/lib/swift/macosx/libswift*.dylib" in the terminal solved exactly the same issue you have. I hope it helps.

its help me to fixed my issues thanks Biancas.🙂

I encountered the exactly same problem. And I use Xcode 11. But when I build my project with Xcode 10.3 or 10.2, it is ok.
Who can give me some help?

I had similar issue. My project's deployment target was 11.0 and error occurred in "JSQMessagesViewController" library. I found solutions with the following steps

  1. Selected pod's project and opened file inspector. Then changed project format to Xcode 11 format.
  2. Selected the Xibs which caused error (for me it was JSQMessagesCollectionViewCellIncoming.xib and JSQMessagesCollectionViewCellOutgoing.xib)
  3. In file inpector, under "Interface Builder Document" option, selected opens in Xcode 11.0 instead of Latest (Xcode 10).
  4. Cleaned the project and build it

Please try this

Hey there, I was facing the same problem. And I had tried the above methods, but no luck.
Any information would be greatly appreciated. 🙂

athankappan, thank you! It was very helpful for me, because i met same issue after transition on Xcode 11 and had no idea how to fix it.

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