How to match blur effect from navigation bar?

I have a UINavigationBar with barStyle = .black and a UIVisualEffectView with blur effect placed underneath it that matches the navigation bar's blur effect. This works fine in iOS 12 using UIBlurEffectStyleDark.

However, in iOS 13 (even when building against the iOS 12 SDK), the blur effect is considerably darker.

How can I fix this? Ideally, I'd like to update the blur effect by building against the iOS 12 SDK.


Hi ortwin,

You can use the `UIUserInterfaceStyle` (with a value of

) in your app’s Info.plist file. Setting this key causes the system to ignore the user’s preference and always apply the specific appearance to your app.


you can use in specific screen using `overrideUserInterfaceStyle = .dark or .light`

Credits to: Julian Schiavo,