LinkPresentation framework crashing Mac app

The LinkPresentation framework, specifically using LPMetadataProvider, makes my app crash after calling -startFetchingMetadataForURL:completionHandler: and before calling the completionHandler, suggesting it's a bug within the framework, not my app.

Crashes in ***:WebKit something on macOS. On iOS, the framework performs nicely.

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I've been told by Apple (via rdar) that LinkPresentation must be used on the main thread. That's why it crashed in my case.
  • Thanks. That works.

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seems to only happen in an XPC service, not within the main app, for some reason.

This problem happens to me in an iOS share extension. I haven't tried the main app.

I've been told by Apple (via rdar) that LinkPresentation must be used on the main thread. That's why it crashed in my case.
  • Thanks. That works.

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