Distributing a command-line binary executable?

What is the proper way to create and distribute a makefile+clang compiled command-line binary tool so that Gatekeeper on a recipient's Mac running Catalina will allow the binary executable to run from the Terminal? Given I have a Developer ID, is there a way to Notarize some sort of container for the binary to allow the extracted command-line tool to be run?

Is there a way for someone not in the Apple Developer program (say an under-18 student in a class I am running) to send me a clang compiled binary that I can then run on my Mac running Catalina? iCloud seems to eat/bounce such binaries when attempting to send them via email.

Accepted Reply

Or is there a way to notarize an executable binary without a hardened runtime? How?

Not really. In some circumstances the notarisation system will accept mis-signed programs (see Notarize Your Preexisting Software) but that’s not something that new software can rely on.

Is there a hardened runtime option for clang compiles?

Not in

, but in
. Here’s a quick checklist:
  • Use the 10.9 or later SDK. Notarisation requires this because it confirms that your program is using modern code signing.

  • Make sure you specify a deployment target using

    . This causes
    to add the relevant Mach-O load command (
    , depending on how far back you support) that’s required by the notarisation system to confirm that you’re built with the 10.9 or later SDK.
  • Pass

    to get a secure timestamp.
  • Pass

    -o runtime
    to enable the hardened runtime.
  • If you need to opt out of specific hardened runtime features, put the relevant entitlements in a

    property list and pass that to
    via the
    option. See Hardened Runtime Entitlements for more on these entitlements.
  • Sign your tool with your Developer ID Application identity.

  • If you put the tool in a

    , sign that with your Developer ID Application identity.
  • If you put the tool in a

    , sign that with your Developer ID Installer identity.
  • Notarise the outermost container (for example, if you have a tool in a

    on a
    , notarise the

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@apple.com"


So I stuffed the binary executable of my macOS command-line utility into a dmg file, and tried to notarize it.

The first errors I got from notarization-info were:

"message": "The binary is not signed with a valid Developer ID certificate.",

"message": "The signature does not include a secure timestamp.",

So I ran codesign on the binary using my Developer ID, and rebuilt the dmg file.

Then I got this error:

"message": "The executable does not have the hardened runtime enabled.",

Is there a hardened runtime option for clang compiles? Where?

Or is there a way to notarize an executable binary without a hardened runtime? How?

Or is there a way to notarize an executable binary without a hardened runtime? How?

Not really. In some circumstances the notarisation system will accept mis-signed programs (see Notarize Your Preexisting Software) but that’s not something that new software can rely on.

Is there a hardened runtime option for clang compiles?

Not in

, but in
. Here’s a quick checklist:
  • Use the 10.9 or later SDK. Notarisation requires this because it confirms that your program is using modern code signing.

  • Make sure you specify a deployment target using

    . This causes
    to add the relevant Mach-O load command (
    , depending on how far back you support) that’s required by the notarisation system to confirm that you’re built with the 10.9 or later SDK.
  • Pass

    to get a secure timestamp.
  • Pass

    -o runtime
    to enable the hardened runtime.
  • If you need to opt out of specific hardened runtime features, put the relevant entitlements in a

    property list and pass that to
    via the
    option. See Hardened Runtime Entitlements for more on these entitlements.
  • Sign your tool with your Developer ID Application identity.

  • If you put the tool in a

    , sign that with your Developer ID Application identity.
  • If you put the tool in a

    , sign that with your Developer ID Installer identity.
  • Notarise the outermost container (for example, if you have a tool in a

    on a
    , notarise the

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@apple.com"

Are you sure it is safe to run executable programs from students in your mac? This would risk your mac (or at least your account) to inadvertently run malware.

Of course not, But I assume unsafe executables would be covered by the institution's code-of-conduct (similar to weight room, machine shop, chem lab, bio-hazzard lab, etc. rules). In any case, many schools periodically wipe all their lab and library computers.