When I restore updatedTransactions observe not called In In app purchase swift 4

Hello Team,
Have a great day.
Actually, I already purchase one item and now I restore that item but when I clicked on restore updatedTransactions observe not called so I can't restore my item. so please help me with this issue.
Thanks in advance.


>when I clicked on restore updatedTransactions observe not called

Can you show that code?

Are you the app developer? If not, please contact the app developer. This forum is only for developers.

Is the IAP a non-consumable or an autorenewable subscription? If the IAP is a consumable or a non-renewing subscription then restoreCompletedTransactions is not supposed to work.

Have you added a transaction observer and not removed it? If there is no transaction observer you will not receive calls from StoreKit.

Are you getting a call to restoreCompletedTransactionsFailedWithError: and paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished:?

If not then you are not calling restoreCompletedTransactions with an observer. If you are getting calls to these methods then you have an error or there are no non-consumables or autorenewables under this test user.

I had the same problem.
Seems, there is an issue calling updatedTransactions when iOS version is less than 13.0
It works well from iOS 13.0 onwards.

For iOS below 13.0,
Showing message like: If the product is already purchased, tap on "Restore" button.
Because if we tap on Buy, it shows, "This In-App is already bought message", after tap on OK, it's not calling updatedTransactions method.