Occlusion Material in USDZ or RealityKit

I need to have a floor or wall that hides whatever AR that's overlapping with the anchor. Is this possible in RealityKit or it needs to be an app?

Let's supposed the floor is anchor and I want 3D AR that slowly appears from the floor.

Probably related to another question asked regarding "Face Occlusion".

Accepted Reply


There is a material in RealityKit specifically for occlusion, it is called OcclusionMaterial.

Please refer to this WWDC video, which shows how to use the occlusion material: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2019/605/https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2019/605/



There is a material in RealityKit specifically for occlusion, it is called OcclusionMaterial.

Please refer to this WWDC video, which shows how to use the occlusion material: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2019/605/https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2019/605/

Thanks @gchiste for the answeer..

However, I wonder why can't this Occlusion Material be available inside Reality Composer? If it is as USD, what's the easiest way to have a Box that I can reuse as USDZ that has Occlusion Material?

I will try the RealityKit method, but now I have to be inside XCode.

Wouldn't it be simpler if USDZ has Occlusion Material and Reality Composer also allows user to play with this?


@yojimbomaster, did you have any luck finding a way to access the occlusion material in Reality Composer? I want to be able to use quicklook to see objects that include occlusion - like a portal. Thanks, Dale