Game "does not support leaderboards” error

I'm attempting to integrate a macOS game with Apple's GameKit SDK using Objective-C. So far I have been able to authenticate the user and load/update achievements, but I have had no success with leaderboards.

When attempting a

request, I get this error:

Error Domain=GKErrorDomain Code=3 "The requested operation could not be completed due to an error communicating with the server." UserInfo={GKServerStatusCode=5043, NSLocalizedDescription=The requested operation could not be completed due to an error communicating with the server., NSUnderlyingError=0x600000158960 {Error Domain=GKServerErrorDomain Code=5043 "status = 5043, MyGame does not support leaderboards" UserInfo={GKServerStatusCode=5043, NSLocalizedFailureReason=status = 5043, MyGame does not support leaderboards}}}

I'm having trouble understanding why Apple's endpoint says my game does not support leaderboards. So far I have:

  1. Enabled GameCenter for our app identifier
  2. Enabled GameCenter on our app's App Store Connect page (currently in "prepare for submission" state)
  3. I've added a leaderboard to our app group via the Features menu in App Store Connect and imported it onto the macOS App Store page

But still nothing. Any ideas?


Try temporarily disassociating your app from the App Group. My leaderboard queries previously "worked," then stopped once I added the app to a group (with that error), and "worked" again after I removed it from the group.

Not a solution... but should confirm that app groups break leaderboard queries and worth notifying Apple.

This seems to be the correct answer, I was tearing my hair out (what little remains...) now it works fine. Come on Apple!