Can't retrieve name and email from Sign In flow


We've just implemented Apple Sign In according to the documentation (, the login is working fine, but there is no way to get the email from the token. We tried a lot of different scopes, and while only a few seem to be valid (name, email, openid), they don't seem to change anything to the response of the token. The only field that's in there is "id_token", and the only useful field in the "id_token" is "sub", which seems to be a unqiue identifier. Is there a way to retrieve the email address?


Accepted Reply

To request user information in the `id_token` (assuming you are requesting via the `/auth/authorize` REST API), you'll need to include the `scope` query parameter, which supports the values—`name` and `email`. You can request one, both, or none.

Note: Use space separation and percent-encoding for multiple scopes; for example, `"scope=name%20email"`.

For additional information about preparing the authorization request, please see the following documentation—


Same issue here, important how to fix this. Some technical details:

The flow is working correctly as described in

As in the presentation


The scope has explicitly asked for email.

After a succesfull login: Example Token request:

The validation response: Has the following response

[access_token] => a2293d83289aa41f7ad22de6844511826.0.mzuq.oCJsXOEXZQX1v8NQCQOy0g

[token_type] => Bearer

[expires_in] => 3600

[refresh_token] =>

[id_token] => REeyJraWQiOiJBSURPUEsxIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvYXBwbGVpZC5hcHBsZS5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiJ3d3cuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE1NjE0OTA2MTUsImlhdCI6MTU2MTUzMzU4OCwic3ViIjoiMDAwMTMyLmMzTWlPaUpvZEhSd2N6b3ZMMkZ3Y0d4bGFXUWFzZHNhLjg5MTQiLCJhdF9oYXNoIjoiQnBiVmVmTm5waVBUY1BzcWt3VEppZyIsImVtYWlsX2R1bW15IjoiZXhhbXBsZUBwcml2YXRlcmVsYXkuYXBwbGVpZC5jb20ifQ==.SyCF8jT50FHALit-u9H_TyzPikirYnDq1RiDT3ennHQrNl0UcRE4bDmVM1qlG2cfHPH5OtpyQZIjGi_r9v7ZoN2EfyDGlg08yEWGwwCNlrCkcHcA9gjNN2RYmT4Yt3toRLgnwSDyzHOP6FS7I1kzwcdZmJTuGrYPThxe80F6rQABUWUBDAl2KgP7ujt1j8H3LrfV0r3RKTHA7azWWu9rVAFrx1_IeRk-ASDW0OPrqDJoF8YdZF1Da4-br-gTOt_LJhZFhuPh1WDgZj6AAcytTrSL4AhW2BrN_U0bMw47nw7k9OZbcbDNb-j3hEAkQdvZYEBHIRtEMxrzTAgs7oxbtg

[iss] =>

[aud] => [exp] => 1560776678

[iat] => 1560776078

[sub] => 000132.c3MiOiJodHRwczovL2FwcGxlaWQasdsa.8914

[at_hash] => SrJXsKX1f4FpGPFmiUPzUQ

In the response there is no (anonymous) email address.

This will be enhanced soon, and the email or anoymous email will be in id_token.

The change to include the email address in the ID token is currently being worked on and will be available soon.

Currently the email address is provided to the application front-end through the post to the redirect uri.

"Currently the email address is provided to the application front-end through the post to the redirect uri"

but in post repose to redirect uri we are getting only state, id_token and code. How can i get the email address?

This. We only get state and code in the redirect uri, no email address.

We only support response_mode "form_post". we will make form_post as default and remove redirect. In the meantime please add &response_mode =form_post in the request


But... Why? form_post is not really common. It also makes handling authentication hard when using Javascript apps like Angular. This will just be another hassle for us to implement this, now we have to implement a method serverside to transform the form_post into a redirect again.

Nice! For our release planning, is a release date and field name of the email in the id_token known at your side?

Saw this for the first time today, there are now four items in the posted form data on successful login: state, code, id_token, and *user*. User has firstName, lastName, and email in a json blob.

Should we be concerned about replay attacks, since the user info is unsigned? In other words, if a nefarious actor replays a previous post but changes the "user" to something else, is that detectable?

This is a nice solution for the embeded Apple Web JS

But not for the OAUTH2 implementation.

We should indeed verify this data. Perhaps the best solution is that the validation response: should have this (encode base64) user data (email and name) without the response_mode=form_post variable (also support get responses, see comment jeroen klippa).


[access_token] => a2293d83289aa41f7ad22de6844511826.0.mzuq.oCJsXOEXZQX1v8NQCQOy0g

[token_type] => Bearer

[expires_in] => 3600

[refresh_token] =>

[id_token] => REeyJraWQiOiJBSURPUEsxIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvYXBwbGVpZC5hcHBsZS5jb20iLCJhdWQiOiJ3d3cuZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE1NjE0OTA2MTUsImlhdCI6MTU2MTUzMzU4OCwic3ViIjoiMDAwMTMyLmMzTWlPaUpvZEhSd2N6b3ZMMkZ3Y0d4bGFXUWFzZHNhLjg5MTQiLCJhdF9oYXNoIjoiQnBiVmVmTm5waVBUY1BzcWt3VEppZyIsImVtYWlsX2R1bW15IjoiZXhhbXBsZUBwcml2YXRlcmVsYXkuYXBwbGVpZC5jb20ifQ==.SyCF8jT50FHALit-u9H_TyzPikirYnDq1RiDT3ennHQrNl0UcRE4bDmVM1qlG2cfHPH5OtpyQZIjGi_r9v7ZoN2EfyDGlg08yEWGwwCNlrCkcHcA9gjNN2RYmT4Yt3toRLgnwSDyzHOP6FS7I1kzwcdZmJTuGrYPThxe80F6rQABUWUBDAl2KgP7ujt1j8H3LrfV0r3RKTHA7azWWu9rVAFrx1_IeRk-ASDW0OPrqDJoF8YdZF1Da4-br-gTOt_LJhZFhuPh1WDgZj6AAcytTrSL4AhW2BrN_U0bMw47nw7k9OZbcbDNb-j3hEAkQdvZYEBHIRtEMxrzTAgs7oxbtg

[iss] =>

[aud] => [exp] => 1560776678

[iat] => 1560776078

[sub] => 000132.c3MiOiJodHRwczovL2FwcGxlaWQasdsa.8914

[at_hash] => SrJXsKX1f4FpGPFmiUPzUQ

[user] => {"name":{"firstName":"Jane","middleName":"","":"Doe"},"email":""} (ENCODE BASE64)

Is this a good solution for the OAUTH2 implementation?

I think the idea of including user name/email in the JWT as Aniwat mentioned above would get us out of the woods

The email should be in included in ID token now. Please try.

Thanks for this update! Also nice that the form_post is not required. The only note is that name is not in the response. Also the email/name field is should be always in the ID token (at this moment only with the startup). I'll make a workaround for this, but it is not the "standard"-way in the oauth procedure.

@tdh42 where do you see that form_post is not required?


Used the following example (in delete your app, you get the email only the first time)

It is a GET response, then the token validation as described above with the field email in the id_token

Use the sub-field as identifier