El Capitan beta 6 + Xcode

El Capitan beta 6 broke my two Xcode, 6.4 and 7.

Someone with the same problem?

I'll reinstall both.

Accepted Reply

The supported way to disable System Integrity Protection in those cases where it's truly necessary is to boot into the Recovery partition and turn System Integrity Protection off from there with the csrutil tool.

$ csrutil

usage: csrutil <command>

Modify the System Integrity Protection configuration. All configuration changes apply to the entire machine.

Available commands:


Disable the protection on the machine. Requires a reboot.


Enable the protection on the machine. Requires a reboot.


Display the current configuration.

The kext-dev-mode and rootless boot-args are being removed from OS X El Capitan and will no longer work.



Just finished reinstalling OS X and it fixed Xcode 6.4 (Cmd+R on reboot then reinstal OS X) - Without upgrading to Beta 6

I had issues with the simulator and opening storyboard files.

I followed similar steps and the issue was resolved for me too... but the reason is that reinstalling OS X puts you all the way back to beta 1. Sounds like beta 6 is the culprit here and should be avoided.

I read online that Apple has rejected apps built on El Capitan even if they were compiled with Xcode 6.4, so a partition or second computer is the way to go. Maybe someone from Apple could confirm that rumor.

Pretty obvious Apple has a serious quality issue with their regression tests here. If they had included a single serious app build using the recommended Xcode version in their test cases, they would not put all developer at once into a dead end. But obviously it has been my error to go for the El Capitano beta at all, I'm fighting with a working Xcode environent since beta 1. Switching between 6.4 and 7 all the time.

O.k. do some other stuff now.

- Harry

Same issue,they can't work now,both.

Xcode 7 is broken here as well, just after upgrading to El Capitan Beta 6.

My targets are indexing forever. Opening a xib, crashes Xcode.

Same here.Both Xcode 7 and Xcode 6.4 broken. I reinstalled both. But they don't work either.

The same here. Both Xcodes are nit working. Also a lot of weird issues with OS itself.... Hpefully waiting for qucik fix

can't open storyboard.

I did it two times already and it was never a problem.

Reinstalled and updated up to Beta 5, all is working again !!! Finally...

Reinstall takes so much time.....

That wiped your whole HDD for the reinstallation?

BTW Im only seeing this on an iOS project. OSX xib's seem to be fine.

I wouldn't assume they don't know.

If you're following Apple's advice to the letter, you don't install these betas on systems that matter for production. Of course, many of us (me included) ignore that warning but it is still pretty explicit on their end.