Am I going crazy ? (optional param with completion)

No idea if this is a bug if not why is it happening ? ...

static func writeJSON(_ url: URL,_ array: [Array],_ completion: ((_ success: Bool,_ error: String) -> Void)?)

Doing this works fine but ...

static func writeJSON(_ url: URL,_ array: [Array]? = nil,_ completion: ((_ success: Bool,_ error: String) -> Void)?)

Doesn't work ? Yet optional Parameters without the optional Completion work fine, just not both together.

Accepted Reply

AFAIU, you should better not not have a _ to mute the external label.

May look at this:


Sorry didn't post all the info. Had a play around and figured there were too many optional omitted parameters.

AFAIU, you should better not not have a _ to mute the external label.

May look at this:

Both of your code compile without any issues if I replaced `Array` to some existing type.

Please provide an example which can reproduce the issue. Or the issue is solved in your mind?

It's fine now thanks, as I added the mention above I overloaded it with too many Omited Parameters.