How to tranfer my apple search ads account


My apple account related to my apple search ads account was recently locked by the security system.

I can't manage my ads for 1 month now and I already called 10/15 times the support and my problem still remains.

I would like to transfer my apple search ads account to an other apple ID (we are a company so we have some apple ID). Is it possible or not ?

Did any of you have or had the same problem than me ? I would like to fix it as soon as possible.

Best Regards,



>would like to transfer my apple search ads account

Just my guess that there is no way to get there from here. You're talking about a component that is tied to a dev account, not something that is broken out.

In the mean time, seen this from the SA Overview?

"If you’ve been notified that your Apple Search Ads campaigns are paused due to a policy violation

Your app might be in violation of one or more of the Apple Search Ads Advertising Content Policies. It’s also possible that your app is not compliant with App Store Guidelines. Please review the policies and if you have any further questions contact us.".

And yes, I see you've already contacted Apple, but have you checked your apps too?