Package Installer vs System Management installing Daemons

I was wondering what some of the pros and cons of installing a privledged helper tool with the Service Management API vs installing a Launch Dameon through a package installer.

My assumption is that the Service Managment route keeps the install simpler for the user and allows for you app to be considered for the app store if other criteria are met.

Would there be a benefit to using something along the lines of SMJobBless and not using a package manager outside of the app store?

Accepted Reply

I was interested in other people’s answer but I found a pretty good answer in a book on Safari Books. So no worries.


I was interested in other people’s answer but I found a pretty good answer in a book on Safari Books. So no worries.

I don't know what your Safari Books told you, but you can't install privileged helpers in the Mac App Store using any method. A Mac App Store app can install a Login Item using the Service Management API. That would be functionally equivalent to a Lauch Agent, running in a userland, GUI session context. The only way to package that helper is as part of the app bundle.

Outside of the Mac App Store, you can use any method of persistence or packaging that you want.

Sounds good. Not submitting to App Store so not an issue but appreciate the feedback. Just was curious in the trade offs if any between packaged install and including all in the bundle.