How to remove the lowest variant bitrate from Global manifest

Am facing a problem when AVPlayer switches to the lower bitrate segment. Player automatically selects the lower profile from the GlobalManifest it is the player default behaviour. But in my GlobalManifest we have one profile which contains Audio but not video. Due to this am getting the blank screen with audio playing in the background.

How to remove removing the variant bitrates which are lower than what you need from the Global Manifest?

Please, Help me in solving this...


I don't think AVPlayer will start from the lowest bitrate... it starts from the first bitrate in the GlobalManifest, so if your GlobalManifest list the audio only bitrate at the first one then you just move it to the last one. May need config your encoder or packager.

If the source video is under your control, simply remove lower rate streams.

If not, you may be out of luck as it would seem contrary to ABR's raison d'etre to attempt to force it to do something different from what it is expected to do.