iOS App Crashing Instantly After Opening It

I am testing my iOS app on my phone and when I try opening it, it instantly exits. App builds and works in simulator. Does anyone know what could be the cause?

I verified and checked that my provisioning profile + certificates are all valid and they are. Nothing has expired.

Here are the logs from xcode:

default 13:45:10.348434 -0400 SpringBoard Bootstrapping com.My.Bundle.Id with intent foreground-interactive
default 13:45:10.348590 -0400 assertiond Submitting new job for "com.My.Bundle.Id" on behalf of <BKProcess: 0x101c03a60; SpringBoard;; pid: 52; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
default 13:45:10.349683 -0400 assertiond Submitted job with label: UIKitApplication:com.My.Bundle.Id[0xe595][62]
default 13:45:10.382109 -0400 SpringBoard [com.My.Bundle.Id] Bootstrap complete with label: UIKitApplication:com.My.Bundle.Id[0xe595][62]
default 13:45:10.382495 -0400 SpringBoard Adding: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x146b73c10; Jupiter (com.My.Bundle.Id); pid: 991>
default 13:45:10.384602 -0400 assertiond Now tracking process <BKProcess: 0x101b07760; Jupiter; com.My.Bundle.Id; pid: 991; agency: Application; visibility: none; task: running; hostpid: 52> with host <BKProcess: 0x101c03a60; SpringBoard;; pid: 52; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
default 13:45:10.396434 -0400 mediaserverd -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client com.My.Bundle.Id with pid '991' is now Foreground Running. Background entitlement: NO
default 13:45:10.401556 -0400 SpringBoard [com.My.Bundle.Id] Setting deactivation reasons to: 'systemAnimation' for reason: scene settings update - settings are eligible for deactivation reasons.
default 13:45:10.415638 -0400 SpringBoard Application process state changed for com.My.Bundle.Id: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x28130de40; pid: 991; taskState: Running; visibility: Unknown>
default 13:45:10.433713 -0400 SpringBoard WIFI PICKER [com.My.Bundle.Id]: isProcessLaunch: 1, isForegroundActivation: 1, isForegroundDeactivation: 0
default 13:45:10.434940 -0400 symptomsd 991 com.My.Bundle.Id: ForegroundRunning (most elevated: ForegroundRunning)
default 13:45:10.435072 -0400 symptomsd Entry, display name com.My.Bundle.Id uuid 5DF98506-8B88-381F-8E79-82FB0DA768FC pid 991 isFront 1
default 13:45:10.435420 -0400 symptomsd Continue with bundle name com.My.Bundle.Id, is front 1
default 13:45:10.435464 -0400 symptomsd com.My.Bundle.Id: Foreground: true
default 13:45:10.435746 -0400 symptomsd Failed to find process for com.My.Bundle.Id
default 13:45:10.641383 -0400 SpringBoard [com.My.Bundle.Id] Setting deactivation reasons to: '(none)' for reason: updateAllScenesForBand - Assertion removed.
default 13:45:10.775095 -0400 backboardd Connection added: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:960FB53D-5C0A-47D5-8260-BB2E2A63D61B pid:991 process:Jupiter type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: <redacted> + 368 attributes:<CFBasicHash 0x10bd00b70 [0x102f00010]>{type = immutable dict, count = 3,
entries =>
  0 : <CFString 0x102b799f0 [0x20baeba30]>{contents = "pid"} = <CFNumber 0xc45bcab69880bc04 [0x20baeba30]>{value = +991, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
  1 : <CFString 0x102b48c20 [0x20baeba30]>{contents = "bundleID"} = <CFString 0x102b6c3f0 [0x20baeba30]>{contents = "com.My.Bundle.Id"}
  2 : <CFString 0x102b065e0 [0x20baeba30]>{contents = "HighFrequency"} = <CFBoolean 0x20baf1a10 [0x20baeba30]>{value = true}
default 13:45:10.789855 -0400 backboardd Connection removed: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:960FB53D-5C0A-47D5-8260-BB2E2A63D61B pid:991 process:Jupiter type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: <redacted> + 368 attributes:<CFBasicHash 0x10bd00b70 [0x102f00010]>{type = immutable dict, count = 3,
entries =>
  0 : <CFString 0x102b799f0 [0x20baeba30]>{contents = "pid"} = <CFNumber 0xc45bcab69880bc04 [0x20baeba30]>{value = +991, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
  1 : <CFString 0x102b48c20 [0x20baeba30]>{contents = "bundleID"} = <CFString 0x102b6c3f0 [0x20baeba30]>{contents = "com.My.Bundle.Id"}
  2 : <CFString 0x102b065e0 [0x20baeba30]>{contents = "HighFrequency"} = <CFBoolean 0x20baf1a10 [0x20baeba30]>{value = true}
default 13:45:10.791946 -0400 SpringBoard [com.My.Bundle.Id] Sending scene action [Logical Activate] through WorkspaceServer: 0x283139630
default 13:45:10.797970 -0400 SpringBoard [com.My.Bundle.Id] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x283139630
default 13:45:10.798522 -0400 SpringBoard [com.My.Bundle.Id] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x283139630
default 13:45:10.800563 -0400 SpringBoard Application process state changed for com.My.Bundle.Id: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x281252bc0; pid: 991; taskState: Not Running; visibility: Unknown>
default 13:45:10.803944 -0400 SpringBoard Application process state changed for com.My.Bundle.Id: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x2812536a0; pid: 991; taskState: Running; visibility: Foreground>
default 13:45:10.807589 -0400 backboardd [BKEventFocusManager] Setting foreground application to: com.My.Bundle.Id (991)
default 13:45:10.854839 -0400 SpringBoard WIFI PICKER [com.My.Bundle.Id]: isProcessLaunch: 0, isForegroundActivation: 0, isForegroundDeactivation: 1
error 13:45:10.855026 -0400 symptomsd Can't get most elevated app state from dictionary {
  BKSApplicationStateExtensionKey = 0;
  SBApplicationStateDisplayIDKey = "com.My.Bundle.Id";
  SBApplicationStateKey = 0;
  SBApplicationStateProcessIDKey = 991;
  SBApplicationStateRunningReasonsKey = (
  SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionIdentifierKey = Resume;
  SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionReasonKey = 10000;
  SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionIdentifierKey = UIApplicationLaunch;
  SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionReasonKey = 10000;
default 13:45:10.855086 -0400 symptomsd 991 com.My.Bundle.Id: Unknown (most elevated: Unknown)
default 13:45:10.855150 -0400 symptomsd Entry, display name com.My.Bundle.Id uuid (null) pid 991 isFront 0
default 13:45:10.855393 -0400 symptomsd Continue with bundle name com.My.Bundle.Id, is front 0
default 13:45:10.855456 -0400 symptomsd com.My.Bundle.Id: Foreground: false
default 13:45:10.855519 -0400 symptomsd Failed to find process for com.My.Bundle.Id
default 13:45:10.970118 -0400 SpringBoard Front display did change: <SBApplication: 0x282df9a40; com.My.Bundle.Id>
default 13:45:10.995763 -0400 SpringBoard [com.My.Bundle.Id] Will update scene - foregroundness changed to: Background
default 13:45:11.999866 -0400 assertiond [SpringBoard:52] Attempting to acquire assertion for Jupiter:991: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x100d12ba0; "FBSceneSnapshotAction:com.My.Bundle.Id" (finishTask:180s); id:…FE83F1033A36>
default 13:45:11.000082 -0400 assertiond [Jupiter:991] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x100d12ba0; id: 52-341DA9E7-EC57-4850-8882-FE83F1033A36; name: FBSceneSnapshotAction:com.My.Bundle.Id; state: active; reason: finishTask; duration: 180.0s> {
  owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x101a0a550; SpringBoard:52; valid: YES>;
  flags = preventSuspend, preventThrottleDownUI, preventThrottleDownCPU, preventIdleSleep, preventSuspendOnSleep;
default 13:45:11.000215 -0400 assertiond [Jupiter:991] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x100d12ba0; "FBSceneSnapshotAction:com.My.Bundle.Id" (finishTask:180s); id:…FE83F1033A36>
default 13:45:11.015843 -0400 powerd Process assertiond.62 Created SystemIsActive "Jupiter:991:52-341DA9E7-EC57-4850-8882-FE83F1033A36 [FBSceneSnapshotAction:com.My.Bundle.Id] [0x100d12ba0]" age:00:00:00 id:51539642211 [System: SysAct]
default 13:45:11.187081 -0400 assertiond Server invalidated <BKProcessAssertion: 0x100d12ba0; "FBSceneSnapshotAction:com.My.Bundle.Id" (finishTask:180s); id:…FE83F1033A36>
default 13:45:11.187457 -0400 assertiond Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x100d12ba0; "FBSceneSnapshotAction:com.My.Bundle.Id" (finishTask:180s); id:…FE83F1033A36>
default 13:45:11.187934 -0400 assertiond Process exited: <BKProcess: 0x101b07760; Jupiter; com.My.Bundle.Id; pid: 991; agency: Application; visibility: none; task: none; hostpid: 52>
default 13:45:11.188564 -0400 powerd Process assertiond.62 Released SystemIsActive "Jupiter:991:52-341DA9E7-EC57-4850-8882-FE83F1033A36 [FBSceneSnapshotAction:com.My.Bundle.Id] [0x100d12ba0]" age:00:00:00 id:51539642211 [System: SysAct]
default 13:45:11.355578 -0400 SpringBoard <FBApplicationProcess: 0x146b73c10; Jupiter (com.My.Bundle.Id); pid: 991> assertiond says the process actually exited with context: <BKSProcessExitContext: 0x2810cbfc0; reason: crash>
default 13:45:11.356682 -0400 SpringBoard <FBApplicationProcess: 0x146b73c10; Jupiter (com.My.Bundle.Id); pid: 991> crashed.
default 13:45:11.357390 -0400 SpringBoard Removing: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x146b73c10; Jupiter (com.My.Bundle.Id); pid: 991>
default 13:45:11.358054 -0400 SpringBoard Process exited: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x146b73c10; Jupiter (com.My.Bundle.Id); pid: -1> -> <FBApplicationProcessExitContext: 0x281cffbd0; exitReason: crash; terminationReason: (none)> {
  stateAtExit = <FBProcessState: 0x281307fe0; pid: 991; taskState: Not Running; visibility: Unknown>;
default 13:45:11.359464 -0400 SpringBoard Application process state changed for com.My.Bundle.Id: (null)
default 13:45:11.375592 -0400 assertiond Deleted job with label: UIKitApplication:com.My.Bundle.Id[0xe595][62]
default 13:45:11.375852 -0400 assertiond [Jupiter:991] Deleted launchd job with label: UIKitApplication:com.My.Bundle.Id[0xe595][62]
default 13:45:11.377370 -0400 assertiond Checking for deferred bootstrap request for com.My.Bundle.Id
default 13:45:11.394094 -0400 mediaserverd -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client com.My.Bundle.Id with pid '991' is now Terminated. Background entitlement: NO
default 13:45:11.395671 -0400 SpringBoard WIFI PICKER [com.My.Bundle.Id]: isProcessLaunch: 0, isForegroundActivation: 0, isForegroundDeactivation: 0
default 13:45:11.397915 -0400 symptomsd 991 com.My.Bundle.Id: Terminated (most elevated: Terminated)
default 13:45:11.398135 -0400 symptomsd Entry, display name com.My.Bundle.Id uuid (null) pid 991 isFront 0


I have the same issue, but it only affects som users. Very confusing.

default 13:19:10.866058 +0100         SpringBoard    Bootstrapping com.inuheat.ActiveHeat with intent foreground-interactive
default 13:19:10.866112 +0100         assertiond       Submitting new job for "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" on behalf of <BKProcess: 0x153a21000; SpringBoard;; pid: 2150; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
default 13:19:10.867434 +0100         assertiond       Submitted job with label: UIKitApplication:com.inuheat.ActiveHeat[0xed35][62]
default 13:19:10.878859 +0100         assertiond       Now tracking process <BKProcess: 0x15392b340; ActiveHeat; com.inuheat.ActiveHeat; pid: 2714; agency: Application; visibility: none; task: running; hostpid: 2150> with host <BKProcess: 0x153a21000; SpringBoard;; pid: 2150; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
default 13:19:10.880570 +0100         mediaserverd  -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client com.inuheat.ActiveHeat with pid '2714' is now Foreground Running. Background entitlement: NO
default 13:19:10.882050 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Bootstrap complete with label: UIKitApplication:com.inuheat.ActiveHeat[0xed35][62]
default 13:19:10.884406 +0100         SpringBoard    Adding: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x11230a460; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: 2714>
default 13:19:10.897660 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Setting deactivation reasons to: 'systemAnimation' for reason: scene settings update - settings are eligible for deactivation reasons.
default 13:19:10.910067 +0100         SpringBoard    Application process state changed for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x282e58aa0; pid: 2714; taskState: Running; visibility: Unknown>
default 13:19:10.921873 +0100         symptomsd     2714 com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: ForegroundRunning (most elevated: ForegroundRunning)
default 13:19:10.921929 +0100         SpringBoard    WIFI PICKER [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat]: isProcessLaunch: 1, isForegroundActivation: 1, isForegroundDeactivation: 0
default 13:19:10.922516 +0100         symptomsd     Entry, display name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat uuid DB4CBB9E-FE96-37F2-B8BE-B9312FC2CD8A pid 2714 isFront 1
default 13:19:10.927550 +0100         symptomsd     Continue with bundle name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, is front 1
default 13:19:10.928326 +0100         symptomsd     com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: Foreground: true
default 13:19:11.147111 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Setting deactivation reasons to: '(none)' for reason: updateAllScenesForBand - Assertion removed.
default 13:19:11.163580 +0100         backboardd     Connection added: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:6B4EF5D2-0905-4DC9-BA49-01896BF30E83 pid:2714 process:ActiveHeat type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: <redacted> + 364 attributes:<CFBasicHash 0x113d14e80 [0x113900010]>{type = immutable dict, count = 3,
entries =>
            0 : <CFString 0x118b04730 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "pid"} = <CFNumber 0xb1cdea82681e3c70 [0x229d05610]>{value = +2714, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
            1 : <CFString 0x118b04760 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "bundleID"} = <CFString 0x118bc06c0 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat"}
            2 : <CFString 0x118b6bad0 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "HighFrequency"} = <CFBoolean 0x229d0b608 [0x229d05610]>{value = false}
default 13:19:11.520412 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Sending scene action [Logical Activate] through WorkspaceServer: 0x280afbed0
default 13:19:11.525707 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x280afbed0
default 13:19:11.527004 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x280afbed0
default 13:19:11.528851 +0100         backboardd     [BKEventFocusManager] Setting foreground application to: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat (2714)
default 13:19:11.529009 +0100         SpringBoard    Application process state changed for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x282e26480; pid: 2714; taskState: Running; visibility: Foreground>
default 13:19:11.531215 +0100         SpringBoard    Application process state changed for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x282ea46c0; pid: 2714; taskState: Running; visibility: Foreground>
default 13:19:11.541437 +0100         backboardd     [BKEventFocusManager] Setting foreground application to: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat (2714)
default 13:19:11.577689 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2714] Attempting to acquire assertion for ActiveHeat:2714: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x151f2f1f0; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…4849F3DB0AD1>
default 13:19:11.578009 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2714] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x151f2f1f0; id: 2714-4640E319-8A0C-4F6A-9255-4849F3DB0AD1; name: "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat"; state: active; reason: finishTask; duration: 180.0s> {
 owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x151e13f60; ActiveHeat:2714; valid: YES>;
 flags = preventSuspend, preventIdleSleep, preventSuspendOnSleep;
default 13:19:11.578119 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2714] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x151f2f1f0; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…4849F3DB0AD1>
default 13:19:11.579241 +0100         powerd           Process assertiond.62 Created SystemIsActive "ActiveHeat:2714:2714-4640E319-8A0C-4F6A-9255-4849F3DB0AD1 [Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] [0x151f2f1f0]" age:00:00:00  id:51539643202 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
default 13:19:11.580327 +0100         bluetoothd      Registering central session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2714-352" with backgrounding: on, persistence: off restoreID: (null)
default 13:19:11.580543 +0100         bluetoothd      Session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2714-352" : needsRestrictedStateOperation = 0, overrideRestrictedState = 0 , blacklistMode = 0
default 13:19:11.580658 +0100         bluetoothd      Sending 'state updated' event with state "On" to session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2714-352"
default 13:19:11.580875 +0100         bluetoothd      Sending XPC message "CBMsgIdStateUpdated" to session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2714-352"
default 13:19:11.584540 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C2 Hostname#9699fecc:9090 tcp, url:] start
default 13:19:11.624964 +0100         dasd    Submitted Activity: <74A1B4F0-0BA8-448B-A781-8C75ACCADD59>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<2>:A6E131 <private>
default 13:19:11.626065 +0100         dasd <74A1B4F0-0BA8-448B-A781-8C75ACCADD59>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<2>:A6E131:[
            {name: ApplicationPolicy, policyWeight: 5.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.01}}
            {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 10.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.52}}
 ] sumScores:25.916667, denominator:35.700000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.725957}
default 13:19:11.626121 +0100         dasd    ' <74A1B4F0-0BA8-448B-A781-8C75ACCADD59>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<2>:A6E131' DecisionToRun:1 (Bypasses Predictions)
default 13:19:11.628483 +0100         nsurlsessiond  [C1438 Hostname#f4ca2a3c:443 tcp, bundle id: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, url:, traffic class: 200, tls, indefinite] start
default 13:19:11.797201 +0100         SpringBoard    Front display did change: <SBApplication: 0x28160b480; com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>
default 13:19:11.823974 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C3 Hostname#77ec3143:80 tcp, url:] start
default 13:19:11.840203 +0100         SpringBoard    activity info changed to slow=0 sync=0 identifier=com.inuheat.ActiveHeat
default 13:19:11.864377 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C4 Hostname#77ec3143:80 tcp, url:] start
default 13:19:11.981134 +0100         assertiond       Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x151f2f1f0; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…4849F3DB0AD1>
default 13:19:11.981192 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2714] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x151f2f1f0; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…4849F3DB0AD1>
default 13:19:11.981826 +0100         powerd           Process assertiond.62 Released SystemIsActive "ActiveHeat:2714:2714-4640E319-8A0C-4F6A-9255-4849F3DB0AD1 [Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] [0x151f2f1f0]" age:00:00:00  id:51539643202 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
default 13:19:11.981909 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2714] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x151f2f1f0; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…4849F3DB0AD1>
default 13:19:11.990047 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C1 Hostname#eb35f925:443 tcp, url:, tls] cancel
default 13:19:11.990971 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C1 Hostname#eb35f925:443 tcp, url:, tls] cancelled
            [C1.1 <private><->IPv4#83e82e6b:443]
            Connected Path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, ipv6, dns
            Duration: 0.561s, DNS @0.001s took 0.050s, TCP @0.062s took 0.112s, TLS took 0.267s
            bytes in/out: 7216/1324, packets in/out: 9/3, rtt: 0.108s, retransmitted packets: 0, out-of-order packets: 0
default 13:19:12.558752 +0100         bluetoothd      Closed XPC connection to session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2714-352"
default 13:19:12.558840 +0100         bluetoothd      Unregistering session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2714-352"
default 13:19:12.558939 +0100         backboardd     Connection removed: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:6B4EF5D2-0905-4DC9-BA49-01896BF30E83 pid:2714 process:ActiveHeat type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: <redacted> + 364 attributes:<CFBasicHash 0x113d14e80 [0x113900010]>{type = immutable dict, count = 3,
entries =>
            0 : <CFString 0x118b04730 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "pid"} = <CFNumber 0xb1cdea82681e3c70 [0x229d05610]>{value = +2714, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
            1 : <CFString 0x118b04760 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "bundleID"} = <CFString 0x118bc06c0 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat"}
            2 : <CFString 0x118b6bad0 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "HighFrequency"} = <CFBoolean 0x229d0b608 [0x229d05610]>{value = false}
default 13:19:12.576507 +0100         bluetoothd      Sending 'session detached' event for session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2714-352"
error    13:19:12.579341 +0100         symptomsd     Can't get most elevated app state from dictionary {
 BKSApplicationStateExtensionKey = 0;
 SBApplicationStateDisplayIDKey = "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat";
 SBApplicationStateKey = 0;
 SBApplicationStateProcessIDKey = 2714;
    SBApplicationStateRunningReasonsKey =     (
 SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionIdentifierKey = Resume;
 SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionReasonKey = 10000;
default 13:19:12.579701 +0100         symptomsd     2714 com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: Unknown (most elevated: Unknown)
default 13:19:12.579963 +0100         SpringBoard    WIFI PICKER [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat]: isProcessLaunch: 0, isForegroundActivation: 0, isForegroundDeactivation: 1
default 13:19:12.581585 +0100         symptomsd     Entry, display name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat uuid (null) pid 2714 isFront 0
default 13:19:12.582946 +0100         symptomsd     Continue with bundle name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, is front 0
default 13:19:12.583069 +0100         symptomsd     com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: Foreground: false
default 13:19:12.845984 +0100         dasd <74A1B4F0-0BA8-448B-A781-8C75ACCADD59>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<2>:A6E131:[
            {name: ApplicationPolicy, policyWeight: 5.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.01}}
            {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 10.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.52}}
 ] sumScores:25.916667, denominator:35.700000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.725957}
default 13:19:13.030595 +0100         assertiond       Process exited: <BKProcess: 0x15392b340; ActiveHeat; com.inuheat.ActiveHeat; pid: 2714; agency: Application; visibility: none; task: none; hostpid: 2150>
default 13:19:13.228271 +0100         SpringBoard    <FBApplicationProcess: 0x11230a460; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: 2714> assertiond says the process actually exited with context: <BKSProcessExitContext: 0x282b11e70; reason: crash>
default 13:19:13.228535 +0100         SpringBoard    <FBApplicationProcess: 0x11230a460; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: 2714> crashed.
default 13:19:13.228880 +0100         SpringBoard    Removing: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x11230a460; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: 2714>
default 13:19:13.229798 +0100         SpringBoard    Process exited: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x11230a460; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: -1> -> <FBApplicationProcessExitContext: 0x2839651a0; exitReason: crash; terminationReason: (none)> {
 stateAtExit = <FBProcessState: 0x282e28180; pid: 2714; taskState: Not Running; visibility: Unknown>;
default 13:19:13.230830 +0100         assertiond       Deleted job with label: UIKitApplication:com.inuheat.ActiveHeat[0xed35][62]
default 13:19:13.230903 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2714] Deleted launchd job with label: UIKitApplication:com.inuheat.ActiveHeat[0xed35][62]
default 13:19:13.231452 +0100         assertiond       Checking for deferred bootstrap request for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat
default 13:19:13.232045 +0100         SpringBoard    Application process state changed for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: (null)
default 13:19:13.235609 +0100         mediaserverd  -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client com.inuheat.ActiveHeat with pid '2714' is now Terminated. Background entitlement: NO
default 13:19:13.236493 +0100         SpringBoard    WIFI PICKER [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat]: isProcessLaunch: 0,    isForegroundActivation: 0,     isForegroundDeactivation: 0
default 13:19:13.240658 +0100         symptomsd     2714 com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: Terminated (most elevated: Terminated)
default 13:19:13.242942 +0100         symptomsd     Entry, display name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat uuid (null) pid 2714 isFront 0
default 13:19:13.299265 +0100         SpringBoard    [SBMainDisplaySceneManager sceneManager:didDestroyScene: <FBScene: 0x281f270c0; sceneID: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat; valid: NO>] - proposing IdleTimerBehavior.
default 13:19:14.161464 +0100         nsurlsessiond  [C1438 Hostname#f4ca2a3c:443 tcp, bundle id: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, url:, traffic class: 200, tls, indefinite] cancel
default 13:19:14.162098 +0100         nsurlsessiond  [C1438 Hostname#f4ca2a3c:443 tcp, bundle id: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, url:, traffic class: 200, tls, indefinite] cancelled
            [C1438.1 <private><->IPv4#d0462216:443]
            Connected Path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, ipv6, dns
            Duration: 2.553s, DNS @0.000s took 0.020s, TCP @0.024s took 0.110s, TLS took 0.268s
            bytes in/out: 6086/30400, packets in/out: 8/25, rtt: 0.109s, retransmitted packets: 0, out-of-order packets: 0
default 13:19:14.177110 +0100         dasd    COMPLETED <74A1B4F0-0BA8-448B-A781-8C75ACCADD59>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<2>:A6E131 <private>!
default 13:19:14.177953 +0100         dasd    NO LONGER RUNNING <74A1B4F0-0BA8-448B-A781-8C75ACCADD59>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<2>:A6E131 ...Tasks running in group [<private>] are 0!
default 13:19:14.412539 +0100         SpringBoard    Bootstrapping com.inuheat.ActiveHeat with intent foreground-interactive
default 13:19:14.412772 +0100         assertiond       Submitting new job for "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" on behalf of <BKProcess: 0x153a21000; SpringBoard;; pid: 2150; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
default 13:19:14.413971 +0100         assertiond       Submitted job with label: UIKitApplication:com.inuheat.ActiveHeat[0xf5dd][62]
default 13:19:14.428663 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Bootstrap complete with label: UIKitApplication:com.inuheat.ActiveHeat[0xf5dd][62]
default 13:19:14.430346 +0100         SpringBoard    Adding: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x11256c2c0; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: 2717>
default 13:19:14.432629 +0100         assertiond       Now tracking process <BKProcess: 0x153935d60; ActiveHeat; com.inuheat.ActiveHeat; pid: 2717; agency: Application; visibility: none; task: running; hostpid: 2150> with host <BKProcess: 0x153a21000; SpringBoard;; pid: 2150; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
default 13:19:14.438799 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Setting deactivation reasons to: 'systemAnimation' for reason: scene settings update - settings are eligible for deactivation reasons.
default 13:19:14.440788 +0100         mediaserverd  -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client com.inuheat.ActiveHeat with pid '2717' is now Foreground Running. Background entitlement: NO
default 13:19:14.453068 +0100         SpringBoard    Application process state changed for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x282e6e020; pid: 2717; taskState: Running; visibility: Unknown>
default 13:19:14.471987 +0100         symptomsd     2717 com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: ForegroundRunning (most elevated: ForegroundRunning)
default 13:19:14.472111 +0100         SpringBoard    WIFI PICKER [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat]: isProcessLaunch: 1, isForegroundActivation: 1, isForegroundDeactivation: 0
default 13:19:14.472220 +0100         symptomsd     Entry, display name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat uuid DB4CBB9E-FE96-37F2-B8BE-B9312FC2CD8A pid 2717 isFront 1
default 13:19:14.472660 +0100         symptomsd     Continue with bundle name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, is front 1
default 13:19:14.472773 +0100         symptomsd     com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: Foreground: true
default 13:19:14.638791 +0100         backboardd     Connection added: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:1EF58719-39F1-4768-9444-BDB968C67BB9 pid:2717 process:ActiveHeat type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: <redacted> + 364 attributes:<CFBasicHash 0x117016f10 [0x113900010]>{type = immutable dict, count = 3,
entries =>
            0 : <CFString 0x111d341c0 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "pid"} = <CFNumber 0xb1cdea82681e3c00 [0x229d05610]>{value = +2717, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
            1 : <CFString 0x111d4ddc0 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "bundleID"} = <CFString 0x111d74df0 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat"}
            2 : <CFString 0x111d3f830 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "HighFrequency"} = <CFBoolean 0x229d0b608 [0x229d05610]>{value = false}
default 13:19:14.683241 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Sending scene action [Logical Activate] through WorkspaceServer: 0x2809455e0
default 13:19:14.698531 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x2809455e0
default 13:19:14.701035 +0100         SpringBoard    Application process state changed for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x282eaa880; pid: 2717; taskState: Running; visibility: Foreground>
default 13:19:14.701436 +0100         SpringBoard    Application process state changed for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x282e2b3c0; pid: 2717; taskState: Running; visibility: Foreground>
default 13:19:14.708375 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Setting deactivation reasons to: '(none)' for reason: updateAllScenesForBand - Assertion removed.
default 13:19:14.711224 +0100         backboardd     [BKEventFocusManager] Setting foreground application to: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat (2717)
default 13:19:14.711937 +0100         backboardd     [BKEventFocusManager] Setting foreground application to: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat (2717)
default 13:19:14.712053 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x2809455e0
default 13:19:14.773114 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2717] Attempting to acquire assertion for ActiveHeat:2717: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x151d33c40; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…22C877E2342E>
default 13:19:14.774019 +0100         ActiveHeat      [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requesting authorization with options 7
default 13:19:14.774435 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2717] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x151d33c40; id: 2717-CCF3E5B0-DAF2-45FA-9E1D-22C877E2342E; name: "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat"; state: active; reason: finishTask; duration: 180.0s> {
 owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x151d03510; ActiveHeat:2717; valid: YES>;
 flags = preventSuspend, preventIdleSleep, preventSuspendOnSleep;
default 13:19:14.774704 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2717] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x151d33c40; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…22C877E2342E>
default 13:19:14.775056 +0100         powerd           Process assertiond.62 Created SystemIsActive "ActiveHeat:2717:2717-CCF3E5B0-DAF2-45FA-9E1D-22C877E2342E [Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] [0x151d33c40]" age:00:00:00  id:51539643209 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
default 13:19:14.780400 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requesting authorization with options 7
default 13:19:14.782029 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requesting authorization with options 7 topics 0
default 13:19:14.783393 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Getting notification settings
default 13:19:14.783445 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Getting effective section info
default 13:19:14.783719 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Got effective section info [ hasResult: 1 ]
default 13:19:14.783772 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Got notification settings [ hasResult: 1 ]
default 13:19:14.784922 +0100         bluetoothd      Received XPC check-in from session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2717-353"
default 13:19:14.784976 +0100         bluetoothd      Access level is less than kXPCAccessLevelSystem for session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2717-353". Restricted state operation not allowed
default 13:19:14.785411 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Already registered. Update authorization with options 7 topics 0
default 13:19:14.785465 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Updating authorization options: 7
default 13:19:14.785570 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Update settings [authorizationStatus: 0 authorizationOptions: 7]
default 13:19:14.785790 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Getting section info
default 13:19:14.787866 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Got section info [ hasResult: 1 ]
default 13:19:14.788149 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Authorization granted: 1
default 13:19:14.788455 +0100         bluetoothd      Sending 'session attached' event for session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2717-353"
default 13:19:14.792961 +0100         ActiveHeat      [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requested authorization [ didGrant: 1 hasError: 0 hasCompletionHandler: 1 ]
error    13:19:14.793864 +0100         SpringBoard    No data found at /var/mobile/Library/UserNotifications/com.inuheat.ActiveHeat/Topics.plist
default 13:19:14.802304 +0100         ActiveHeat      [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requesting token for remote notifications
error    13:19:14.815580 +0100         SpringBoard    No valid 'aps-environment' entitlement string found for application 'com.inuheat.ActiveHeat': (null).
default 13:19:14.817369 +0100         ActiveHeat      [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requested token for remote notifications [ didSucceed: 0 hasError: 1 hasCompletionHandler: 1 ]
default 13:19:14.822235 +0100         bluetoothd      Registering central session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2717-353" with backgrounding: on, persistence: off restoreID: (null)
default 13:19:14.822799 +0100         bluetoothd      Session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2717-353" : needsRestrictedStateOperation = 0, overrideRestrictedState = 0 , blacklistMode = 0
default 13:19:14.822977 +0100         bluetoothd      Sending 'state updated' event with state "On" to session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2717-353"
default 13:19:14.823039 +0100         bluetoothd      Sending XPC message "CBMsgIdStateUpdated" to session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2717-353"
default 13:19:14.825888 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C1 Hostname#2dea3ce5:443 tcp, url:, tls] start
default 13:19:14.830865 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C2 Hostname#6df009d8:9090 tcp, url:] start
default 13:19:14.896190 +0100         assertiond       Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x151d33c40; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…22C877E2342E>
default 13:19:14.896280 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2717] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x151d33c40; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…22C877E2342E>
default 13:19:14.896711 +0100         powerd           Process assertiond.62 Released SystemIsActive "ActiveHeat:2717:2717-CCF3E5B0-DAF2-45FA-9E1D-22C877E2342E [Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] [0x151d33c40]" age:00:00:00  id:51539643209 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
default 13:19:14.896868 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2717] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x151d33c40; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…22C877E2342E>
default 13:19:14.914932 +0100         dasd    Submitted Activity: <B3BB69E1-924A-4A30-A874-855088A728BC>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<3>:48F6AD <private>
default 13:19:14.918648 +0100         dasd <B3BB69E1-924A-4A30-A874-855088A728BC>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<3>:48F6AD:[
            {name: ApplicationPolicy, policyWeight: 5.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.01}}
            {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 10.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.52}}
 ] sumScores:25.916667, denominator:35.700000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.725957}
default 13:19:14.918781 +0100         dasd    ' <B3BB69E1-924A-4A30-A874-855088A728BC>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<3>:48F6AD' DecisionToRun:1 (Bypasses Predictions)
default 13:19:14.920733 +0100         nsurlsessiond  [C1439 Hostname#f4ca2a3c:443 tcp, bundle id: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, url:, traffic class: 200, tls, indefinite] start
default 13:19:14.996703 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C3 Hostname#4a6e7276:80 tcp, url:] start
default 13:19:15.051241 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C4 Hostname#4a6e7276:80 tcp, url:] start
default 13:19:15.089961 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2717] Attempting to acquire assertion for ActiveHeat:2717: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x153801940; "Shared Background Assertion 1 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…0BE15E487497>
default 13:19:15.090472 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2717] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x153801940; id: 2717-9E788065-AD0A-42F5-A0C0-0BE15E487497; name: "Shared Background Assertion 1 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat"; state: active; reason: finishTask; duration: 180.0s> {
 owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x151d03510; ActiveHeat:2717; valid: YES>;
 flags = preventSuspend, preventIdleSleep, preventSuspendOnSleep;
default 13:19:15.090528 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2717] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x153801940; "Shared Background Assertion 1 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…0BE15E487497>
default 13:19:15.091588 +0100         powerd           Process assertiond.62 Created SystemIsActive "ActiveHeat:2717:2717-9E788065-AD0A-42F5-A0C0-0BE15E487497 [Shared Background Assertion 1 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] [0x153801940]" age:00:00:00  id:51539643210 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
default 13:19:15.123949 +0100         SpringBoard    Front display did change: <SBApplication: 0x28160b480; com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>
default 13:19:15.160486 +0100         assertiond       Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x153801940; "Shared Background Assertion 1 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…0BE15E487497>
default 13:19:15.160559 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2717] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x153801940; "Shared Background Assertion 1 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…0BE15E487497>
default 13:19:15.161077 +0100         SpringBoard    activity info changed to slow=0 sync=0 identifier=com.inuheat.ActiveHeat
default 13:19:15.161224 +0100         powerd           Process assertiond.62 Released SystemIsActive "ActiveHeat:2717:2717-9E788065-AD0A-42F5-A0C0-0BE15E487497 [Shared Background Assertion 1 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] [0x153801940]" age:00:00:00  id:51539643210 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
default 13:19:15.161389 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2717] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x153801940; "Shared Background Assertion 1 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…0BE15E487497>
default 13:19:15.173826 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x2809455e0
default 13:19:15.324935 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C1 Hostname#2dea3ce5:443 tcp, url:, tls] cancel
default 13:19:15.325118 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C1 Hostname#2dea3ce5:443 tcp, url:, tls] cancelled
            [C1.1 <private><->IPv4#1b937be2:443]
            Connected Path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, ipv6, dns
            Duration: 0.561s, DNS @0.003s took 0.050s, TCP @0.065s took 0.113s, TLS took 0.256s
            bytes in/out: 7216/1324, packets in/out: 8/3, rtt: 0.110s, retransmitted packets: 0, out-of-order packets: 0
default 13:19:15.479094 +0100         dasd <B3BB69E1-924A-4A30-A874-855088A728BC>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<3>:48F6AD:[
            {name: ApplicationPolicy, policyWeight: 5.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.01}}
            {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 10.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.52}}
 ] sumScores:25.916667, denominator:35.700000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.725957}
default 13:19:15.595125 +0100         bluetoothd      Received XPC message "CBMsgIdScan" from session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2717-353"
default 13:19:15.603241 +0100         bluetoothd      Received 'start scan' request with duplicates for all UUIDs from session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2717-353"
default 13:19:15.604013 +0100         bluetoothd      State of application "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" is now "foreground-running"
default 13:19:15.608582 +0100         bluetoothd      Closed XPC connection to session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2717-353"
default 13:19:15.611439 +0100         backboardd     Connection removed: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:1EF58719-39F1-4768-9444-BDB968C67BB9 pid:2717 process:ActiveHeat type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: <redacted> + 364 attributes:<CFBasicHash 0x117016f10 [0x113900010]>{type = immutable dict, count = 3,
entries =>
            0 : <CFString 0x111d341c0 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "pid"} = <CFNumber 0xb1cdea82681e3c00 [0x229d05610]>{value = +2717, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
            1 : <CFString 0x111d4ddc0 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "bundleID"} = <CFString 0x111d74df0 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat"}
            2 : <CFString 0x111d3f830 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "HighFrequency"} = <CFBoolean 0x229d0b608 [0x229d05610]>{value = false}
default 13:19:15.612017 +0100         bluetoothd      Unregistering session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2717-353"
default 13:19:15.612188 +0100         bluetoothd      Received 'stop scan' request from session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2717-353"
default 13:19:15.612601 +0100         bluetoothd      Sending 'session detached' event for session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2717-353"
error    13:19:15.625758 +0100         symptomsd     Can't get most elevated app state from dictionary {
 BKSApplicationStateExtensionKey = 0;
 SBApplicationStateDisplayIDKey = "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat";
 SBApplicationStateKey = 0;
 SBApplicationStateProcessIDKey = 2717;
 SBApplicationStateRunningReasonsKey = (
 SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionIdentifierKey = Resume;
 SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionReasonKey = 10000;
default 13:19:15.625996 +0100         symptomsd     2717 com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: Unknown (most elevated: Unknown)
default 13:19:15.626368 +0100         SpringBoard    WIFI PICKER [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat]: isProcessLaunch: 0, isForegroundActivation: 0,     isForegroundDeactivation: 1
default 13:19:15.631309 +0100         symptomsd     Entry, display name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat uuid (null) pid 2717 isFront 0
default 13:19:15.632321 +0100         symptomsd     Continue with bundle name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, is front 0
default 13:19:15.632414 +0100         symptomsd     com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: Foreground: false
default 13:19:16.097726 +0100         assertiond       Process exited: <BKProcess: 0x153935d60; ActiveHeat; com.inuheat.ActiveHeat; pid: 2717; agency: Application; visibility: none; task: none; hostpid: 2150>
default 13:19:16.296666 +0100         SpringBoard    <FBApplicationProcess: 0x11256c2c0; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: 2717> assertiond says the process actually exited with context: <BKSProcessExitContext: 0x282b17cc0; reason: crash>
default 13:19:16.297656 +0100         SpringBoard    <FBApplicationProcess: 0x11256c2c0; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: 2717> crashed.
default 13:19:16.299584 +0100         SpringBoard    Removing: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x11256c2c0; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: 2717>
default 13:19:16.301250 +0100         SpringBoard    Process exited: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x11256c2c0; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: -1> -> <FBApplicationProcessExitContext: 0x283972b80; exitReason: crash; terminationReason: (none)> {
 stateAtExit = <FBProcessState: 0x282e683c0; pid: 2717; taskState: Not Running; visibility: Unknown>;
default 13:19:16.303264 +0100         SpringBoard    Application process state changed for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: (null)
default 13:19:16.305870 +0100         assertiond       Deleted job with label: UIKitApplication:com.inuheat.ActiveHeat[0xf5dd][62]
default 13:19:16.306077 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2717] Deleted launchd job with label: UIKitApplication:com.inuheat.ActiveHeat[0xf5dd][62]
default 13:19:16.306890 +0100         assertiond       Checking for deferred bootstrap request for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat
default 13:19:16.312234 +0100         SpringBoard    WIFI PICKER [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat]: isProcessLaunch: 0, isForegroundActivation: 0, isForegroundDeactivation: 0
default 13:19:16.322391 +0100         mediaserverd  -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client com.inuheat.ActiveHeat with pid '2717' is now Terminated. Background entitlement: NO
default 13:19:16.353807 +0100         symptomsd     2717 com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: Terminated (most elevated: Terminated)
default 13:19:16.362700 +0100         symptomsd     Entry, display name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat uuid (null) pid 2717 isFront 0
default 13:19:16.372523 +0100         SpringBoard    [SBMainDisplaySceneManager sceneManager:didDestroyScene: <FBScene: 0x2818c64e0; sceneID: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat; valid: NO>] - proposing IdleTimerBehavior.
default 13:19:17.314264 +0100         nsurlsessiond  [C1439 Hostname#f4ca2a3c:443 tcp, bundle id: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, url:, traffic class: 200, tls, indefinite] cancel
default 13:19:17.315105 +0100         nsurlsessiond  [C1439 Hostname#f4ca2a3c:443 tcp, bundle id: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, url:, traffic class: 200, tls, indefinite] cancelled
            [C1439.1 <private><->IPv4#d0462216:443]
            Connected Path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, ipv6, dns
            Duration: 2.440s, DNS @0.000s took 0.007s, TCP @0.011s took 0.119s, TLS took 0.125s
            bytes in/out: 311/30222, packets in/out: 2/25, rtt: 0.108s, retransmitted packets: 0, out-of-order packets: 0
default 13:19:17.332803 +0100         dasd    COMPLETED <B3BB69E1-924A-4A30-A874-855088A728BC>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<3>:48F6AD <private>!
default 13:19:17.333985 +0100         dasd    NO LONGER RUNNING <B3BB69E1-924A-4A30-A874-855088A728BC>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<3>:48F6AD ...Tasks running in group [<private>] are 0!
default 13:19:26.866892 +0100         SpringBoard    Bootstrapping com.inuheat.ActiveHeat with intent foreground-interactive
default 13:19:26.867018 +0100         assertiond       Submitting new job for "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" on behalf of <BKProcess: 0x153a21000; SpringBoard;; pid: 2150; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
default 13:19:26.870081 +0100         assertiond       Submitted job with label: UIKitApplication:com.inuheat.ActiveHeat[0x4fcc][62]
default 13:19:26.880428 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Bootstrap complete with label: UIKitApplication:com.inuheat.ActiveHeat[0x4fcc][62]
default 13:19:26.880484 +0100         assertiond       Now tracking process <BKProcess: 0x153935d60; ActiveHeat; com.inuheat.ActiveHeat; pid: 2718; agency: Application; visibility: none; task: running; hostpid: 2150> with host <BKProcess: 0x153a21000; SpringBoard;; pid: 2150; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
default 13:19:26.880988 +0100         SpringBoard    Adding: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x101b07060; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: 2718>
default 13:19:26.882268 +0100         mediaserverd  -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client com.inuheat.ActiveHeat with pid '2718' is now Foreground Running. Background entitlement: NO
default 13:19:26.888340 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Setting deactivation reasons to: 'systemAnimation' for reason: scene settings update - settings are eligible for deactivation reasons.
default 13:19:26.905381 +0100         SpringBoard    Application process state changed for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x282e437c0; pid: 2718; taskState: Running; visibility: Unknown>
default 13:19:26.921467 +0100         symptomsd     2718 com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: ForegroundRunning (most elevated: ForegroundRunning)
default 13:19:26.921522 +0100         SpringBoard    WIFI PICKER [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat]: isProcessLaunch: 1, isForegroundActivation: 1, isForegroundDeactivation: 0
default 13:19:26.922010 +0100         symptomsd     Entry, display name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat uuid DB4CBB9E-FE96-37F2-B8BE-B9312FC2CD8A pid 2718 isFront 1
default 13:19:26.922452 +0100         symptomsd     Continue with bundle name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, is front 1
default 13:19:26.922507 +0100         symptomsd     com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: Foreground: true
default 13:19:27.090332 +0100         backboardd     Connection added: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:5F2015D3-A4E6-4415-92F6-93E86C3DFB89 pid:2718 process:ActiveHeat type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: <redacted> + 364 attributes:<CFBasicHash 0x117017580 [0x113900010]>{type = immutable dict, count = 3,
entries =>
            0 : <CFString 0x113cb6c80 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "pid"} = <CFNumber 0xb1cdea82681e3c30 [0x229d05610]>{value = +2718, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
            1 : <CFString 0x113cae3c0 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "bundleID"} = <CFString 0x113c13730 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat"}
            2 : <CFString 0x113c6c280 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "HighFrequency"} = <CFBoolean 0x229d0b608 [0x229d05610]>{value = false}
default 13:19:27.146449 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Setting deactivation reasons to: '(none)' for reason: updateAllScenesForBand - Assertion removed.
default 13:19:27.177591 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Sending scene action [Logical Activate] through WorkspaceServer: 0x280ac1f40
default 13:19:27.181626 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x280ac1f40
default 13:19:27.181829 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x280ac1f40
default 13:19:27.185952 +0100         SpringBoard    Application process state changed for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x282f8b320; pid: 2718; taskState: Running; visibility: Foreground>
default 13:19:27.188731 +0100         backboardd     [BKEventFocusManager] Setting foreground application to: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat (2718)
default 13:19:27.188806 +0100         SpringBoard    Application process state changed for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x282f89400; pid: 2718; taskState: Running; visibility: Foreground>
default 13:19:27.195504 +0100         backboardd     [BKEventFocusManager] Setting foreground application to: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat (2718)
default 13:19:27.253925 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2718] Attempting to acquire assertion for ActiveHeat:2718: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x15380e120; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…DDB4158AA2A5>
default 13:19:27.254449 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2718] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x15380e120; id: 2718-AF20E0C4-26F9-40B4-8589-DDB4158AA2A5; name: "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat"; state: active; reason: finishTask; duration: 180.0s> {
 owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x151d03510; ActiveHeat:2718; valid: YES>;
 flags = preventSuspend, preventIdleSleep, preventSuspendOnSleep;
default 13:19:27.254532 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2718] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x15380e120; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…DDB4158AA2A5>
default 13:19:27.255908 +0100         powerd           Process assertiond.62 Created SystemIsActive "ActiveHeat:2718:2718-AF20E0C4-26F9-40B4-8589-DDB4158AA2A5 [Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] [0x15380e120]" age:00:00:00  id:51539643214 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
default 13:19:27.265899 +0100         ActiveHeat      [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requesting authorization with options 7
default 13:19:27.266657 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requesting authorization with options 7
default 13:19:27.268530 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requesting authorization with options 7 topics 0
default 13:19:27.268657 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Getting notification settings
default 13:19:27.268722 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Getting effective section info
default 13:19:27.269669 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Got effective section info [ hasResult: 1 ]
default 13:19:27.270101 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Got notification settings [ hasResult: 1 ]
default 13:19:27.270515 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Already registered. Update authorization with options 7 topics 0
default 13:19:27.270630 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Updating authorization options: 7
default 13:19:27.271246 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Update settings [authorizationStatus: 0 authorizationOptions: 7]
default 13:19:27.273633 +0100         ActiveHeat      [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requested authorization [ didGrant: 1 hasError: 0 hasCompletionHandler: 1 ]
default 13:19:27.273687 +0100         ActiveHeat      [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requesting token for remote notifications
default 13:19:27.274554 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Getting section info
default 13:19:27.276509 +0100         bluetoothd      Received XPC check-in from session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2718-354"
default 13:19:27.276568 +0100         bluetoothd      Access level is less than kXPCAccessLevelSystem for session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2718-354". Restricted state operation not allowed
default 13:19:27.276620 +0100         bluetoothd      Sending 'session attached' event for session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2718-354"
default 13:19:27.277443 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Got section info [ hasResult: 1 ]
default 13:19:27.277499 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Authorization granted: 1
error    13:19:27.277572 +0100         SpringBoard    No data found at /var/mobile/Library/UserNotifications/com.inuheat.ActiveHeat/Topics.plist
error    13:19:27.277640 +0100         SpringBoard    No valid 'aps-environment' entitlement string found for application 'com.inuheat.ActiveHeat': (null).
default 13:19:27.277966 +0100         ActiveHeat      [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requested token for remote notifications [ didSucceed: 0 hasError: 1 hasCompletionHandler: 1 ]
default 13:19:27.278090 +0100         bluetoothd      Registering central session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2718-354" with backgrounding: on, persistence: off restoreID: (null)
default 13:19:27.278215 +0100         bluetoothd      Session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2718-354" : needsRestrictedStateOperation = 0, overrideRestrictedState = 0 , blacklistMode = 0
default 13:19:27.278269 +0100         bluetoothd      Sending 'state updated' event with state "On" to session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2718-354"
default 13:19:27.278335 +0100         bluetoothd      Sending XPC message "CBMsgIdStateUpdated" to session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2718-354"
default 13:19:27.279312 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C1 Hostname#34982cbd:443 tcp, url:, tls] start
default 13:19:27.283181 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C2 Hostname#85b4cdff:9090 tcp, url:] start
default 13:19:27.351814 +0100         dasd    Submitted Activity: <1E9EB0C4-F519-409C-B213-2279CA0B8EF3>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<4>:781CA0 <private>
default 13:19:27.353831 +0100         dasd <1E9EB0C4-F519-409C-B213-2279CA0B8EF3>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<4>:781CA0:[
            {name: ApplicationPolicy, policyWeight: 5.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.01}}
            {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 10.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.52}}
 ] sumScores:25.916667, denominator:35.700000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.725957}
default 13:19:27.353936 +0100         dasd    ' <1E9EB0C4-F519-409C-B213-2279CA0B8EF3>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<4>:781CA0' DecisionToRun:1 (Bypasses Predictions)
default 13:19:27.356343 +0100         nsurlsessiond  [C1440 Hostname#f4ca2a3c:443 tcp, bundle id: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, url:, traffic class: 200, tls, indefinite] start
default 13:19:27.535651 +0100         SpringBoard    Front display did change: <SBApplication: 0x28160b480; com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>
default 13:19:27.589591 +0100         SpringBoard    activity info changed to slow=0 sync=0 identifier=com.inuheat.ActiveHeat
default 13:19:27.592153 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C3 Hostname#42c18c07:80 tcp, url:] start
default 13:19:27.639523 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C4 Hostname#42c18c07:80 tcp, url:] start
default 13:19:27.743580 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C1 Hostname#34982cbd:443 tcp, url:, tls] cancel
default 13:19:27.743652 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C1 Hostname#34982cbd:443 tcp, url:, tls] cancelled
            [C1.1 <private><->IPv4#8eed5628:443]
            Connected Path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, ipv6, dns
            Duration: 0.498s, DNS @0.001s took 0.020s, TCP @0.028s took 0.114s, TLS took 0.237s
            bytes in/out: 7216/1324, packets in/out: 9/3, rtt: 0.109s, retransmitted packets: 0, out-of-order packets: 0
default 13:19:27.807297 +0100         assertiond       Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x15380e120; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…DDB4158AA2A5>
default 13:19:27.807357 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2718] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x15380e120; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…DDB4158AA2A5>
default 13:19:27.807856 +0100         powerd           Process assertiond.62 Released SystemIsActive "ActiveHeat:2718:2718-AF20E0C4-26F9-40B4-8589-DDB4158AA2A5 [Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] [0x15380e120]" age:00:00:00  id:51539643214 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
default 13:19:27.808031 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2718] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x15380e120; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…DDB4158AA2A5>
default 13:19:28.024621 +0100         backboardd     Connection removed: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:5F2015D3-A4E6-4415-92F6-93E86C3DFB89 pid:2718 process:ActiveHeat type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: <redacted> + 364 attributes:<CFBasicHash 0x117017580 [0x113900010]>{type = immutable dict, count = 3,
entries =>
            0 : <CFString 0x113cb6c80 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "pid"} = <CFNumber 0xb1cdea82681e3c30 [0x229d05610]>{value = +2718, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
            1 : <CFString 0x113cae3c0 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "bundleID"} = <CFString 0x113c13730 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat"}
            2 : <CFString 0x113c6c280 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "HighFrequency"} = <CFBoolean 0x229d0b608 [0x229d05610]>{value = false}
default 13:19:28.029942 +0100         bluetoothd      Closed XPC connection to session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2718-354"
default 13:19:28.030250 +0100         bluetoothd      Unregistering session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2718-354"
default 13:19:28.035476 +0100         bluetoothd      Sending 'session detached' event for session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2718-354"
default 13:19:28.038486 +0100         SpringBoard    WIFI PICKER [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat]: isProcessLaunch: 0, isForegroundActivation: 0, isForegroundDeactivation: 1
error    13:19:28.039245 +0100         symptomsd     Can't get most elevated app state from dictionary {
 BKSApplicationStateExtensionKey = 0;
 SBApplicationStateDisplayIDKey = "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat";
 SBApplicationStateKey = 0;
 SBApplicationStateProcessIDKey = 2718;
 SBApplicationStateRunningReasonsKey = (
 SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionIdentifierKey = Resume;
 SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionReasonKey = 10000;
default 13:19:28.039355 +0100         symptomsd     2718 com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: Unknown (most elevated: Unknown)
default 13:19:28.039682 +0100         symptomsd     Entry, display name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat uuid (null) pid 2718 isFront 0
default 13:19:28.042656 +0100         symptomsd     Continue with bundle name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, is front 0
default 13:19:28.042911 +0100         symptomsd     com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: Foreground: false
default 13:19:28.468761 +0100         assertiond       Process exited: <BKProcess: 0x153935d60; ActiveHeat; com.inuheat.ActiveHeat; pid: 2718; agency: Application; visibility: none; task: none; hostpid: 2150>
default 13:19:28.579559 +0100         SpringBoard    <FBApplicationProcess: 0x101b07060; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: 2718> assertiond says the process actually exited with context: <BKSProcessExitContext: 0x282b028b0; reason: crash>
default 13:19:28.579793 +0100         SpringBoard    <FBApplicationProcess: 0x101b07060; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: 2718> crashed.
default 13:19:28.580091 +0100         SpringBoard    Removing: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x101b07060; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: 2718>
default 13:19:28.581059 +0100         SpringBoard    Process exited: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x101b07060; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: -1> -> <FBApplicationProcessExitContext: 0x28397e8b0; exitReason: crash; terminationReason: (none)> {
 stateAtExit = <FBProcessState: 0x282e46fa0; pid: 2718; taskState: Not Running; visibility: Unknown>;
default 13:19:28.581487 +0100         SpringBoard    Application process state changed for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: (null)
default 13:19:28.582956 +0100         assertiond       Deleted job with label: UIKitApplication:com.inuheat.ActiveHeat[0x4fcc][62]
default 13:19:28.583192 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2718] Deleted launchd job with label: UIKitApplication:com.inuheat.ActiveHeat[0x4fcc][62]
default 13:19:28.583393 +0100         assertiond       Checking for deferred bootstrap request for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat
default 13:19:28.586297 +0100         SpringBoard    WIFI PICKER [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat]: isProcessLaunch: 0, isForegroundActivation: 0, isForegroundDeactivation: 0
default 13:19:28.588241 +0100         mediaserverd  -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client com.inuheat.ActiveHeat with pid '2718' is now Terminated. Background entitlement: NO
default 13:19:28.594137 +0100         symptomsd     2718 com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: Terminated (most elevated: Terminated)
default 13:19:28.630546 +0100         symptomsd     Entry, display name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat uuid (null) pid 2718 isFront 0
default 13:19:28.638354 +0100         SpringBoard    [SBMainDisplaySceneManager sceneManager:didDestroyScene: <FBScene: 0x2818aa6c0; sceneID: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat; valid: NO>] - proposing IdleTimerBehavior.
default 13:19:29.048799 +0100         dasd <1E9EB0C4-F519-409C-B213-2279CA0B8EF3>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<4>:781CA0:[
            {name: ApplicationPolicy, policyWeight: 5.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.01}}
            {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 10.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.52}}
 ] sumScores:25.916667, denominator:35.700000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.725957}
default 13:19:29.938148 +0100         nsurlsessiond  [C1440 Hostname#f4ca2a3c:443 tcp, bundle id: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, url:, traffic class: 200, tls, indefinite] cancel
default 13:19:29.938859 +0100         nsurlsessiond  [C1440 Hostname#f4ca2a3c:443 tcp, bundle id: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, url:, traffic class: 200, tls, indefinite] cancelled
            [C1440.1 <private><->IPv4#d4058ea6:443]
            Connected Path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, ipv6, dns
            Duration: 2.581s, DNS @0.001s took 0.007s, TCP @0.014s took 0.108s, TLS took 0.269s
            bytes in/out: 6086/29591, packets in/out: 8/25, rtt: 0.109s, retransmitted packets: 0, out-of-order packets: 0
default 13:19:29.976455 +0100         dasd    COMPLETED <1E9EB0C4-F519-409C-B213-2279CA0B8EF3>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<4>:781CA0 <private>!
default 13:19:29.977050 +0100         dasd    NO LONGER RUNNING <1E9EB0C4-F519-409C-B213-2279CA0B8EF3>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<4>:781CA0 ...Tasks running in group [<private>] are 0!
default 13:21:35.910358 +0100         SpringBoard    Bootstrapping com.inuheat.ActiveHeat with intent foreground-interactive
default 13:21:35.910614 +0100         assertiond       Submitting new job for "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" on behalf of <BKProcess: 0x153a21000; SpringBoard;; pid: 2150; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
default 13:21:35.911169 +0100         assertiond       Submitted job with label: UIKitApplication:com.inuheat.ActiveHeat[0x648f][62]
default 13:21:35.918329 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Bootstrap complete with label: UIKitApplication:com.inuheat.ActiveHeat[0x648f][62]
default 13:21:35.920890 +0100         SpringBoard    Adding: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x10a57a8c0; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: 2726>
default 13:21:35.924002 +0100         assertiond       Now tracking process <BKProcess: 0x15392f1f0; ActiveHeat; com.inuheat.ActiveHeat; pid: 2726; agency: Application; visibility: none; task: running; hostpid: 2150> with host <BKProcess: 0x153a21000; SpringBoard;; pid: 2150; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
default 13:21:35.926356 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Setting deactivation reasons to: 'systemAnimation' for reason: scene settings update - settings are eligible for deactivation reasons.
default 13:21:35.934722 +0100         mediaserverd  -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client com.inuheat.ActiveHeat with pid '2726' is now Foreground Running. Background entitlement: NO
default 13:21:35.947317 +0100         SpringBoard    Application process state changed for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x28283fa60; pid: 2726; taskState: Running; visibility: Unknown>
default 13:21:35.962874 +0100         symptomsd     2726 com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: ForegroundRunning (most elevated: ForegroundRunning)
default 13:21:35.963267 +0100         symptomsd     Entry, display name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat uuid DB4CBB9E-FE96-37F2-B8BE-B9312FC2CD8A pid 2726 isFront 1
default 13:21:35.963420 +0100         SpringBoard    WIFI PICKER [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat]: isProcessLaunch: 1,    isForegroundActivation: 1,     isForegroundDeactivation: 0
default 13:21:35.964322 +0100         symptomsd     Continue with bundle name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, is front 1
default 13:21:35.964378 +0100         symptomsd     com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: Foreground: true
default 13:21:36.138232 +0100         backboardd     Connection added: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:052DDEC0-71C0-4212-A084-72FA007F6581 pid:2726 process:ActiveHeat type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: <redacted> + 364 attributes:<CFBasicHash 0x117007220 [0x113900010]>{type = immutable dict, count = 3,
entries =>
            0 : <CFString 0x113cb6550 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "pid"} = <CFNumber 0xb1cdea82681e3fb0 [0x229d05610]>{value = +2726, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
            1 : <CFString 0x113c77ed0 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "bundleID"} = <CFString 0x113c79610 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat"}
            2 : <CFString 0x113c5b540 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "HighFrequency"} = <CFBoolean 0x229d0b608 [0x229d05610]>{value = false}
default 13:21:36.187481 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Setting deactivation reasons to: '(none)' for reason: updateAllScenesForBand - Assertion removed.
default 13:21:36.236789 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Sending scene action [Logical Activate] through WorkspaceServer: 0x2808b41e0
default 13:21:36.245052 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x2808b41e0
default 13:21:36.245165 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x2808b41e0
default 13:21:36.247873 +0100         SpringBoard    Application process state changed for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x282e85b40; pid: 2726; taskState: Running; visibility: Foreground>
default 13:21:36.251385 +0100         SpringBoard    Application process state changed for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x282e74f60; pid: 2726; taskState: Running; visibility: Foreground>
default 13:21:36.260861 +0100         backboardd     [BKEventFocusManager] Setting foreground application to: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat (2726)
default 13:21:36.261064 +0100         backboardd     [BKEventFocusManager] Setting foreground application to: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat (2726)
default 13:21:36.301696 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2726] Attempting to acquire assertion for ActiveHeat:2726: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x15380b4f0; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…3223C4E1846F>
default 13:21:36.301858 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2726] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x15380b4f0; id: 2726-D01B2AD3-8E82-40FC-BEDE-3223C4E1846F; name: "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat"; state: active; reason: finishTask; duration: 180.0s> {
 owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x151f246d0; ActiveHeat:2726; valid: YES>;
 flags = preventSuspend, preventIdleSleep, preventSuspendOnSleep;
default 13:21:36.301911 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2726] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x15380b4f0; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…3223C4E1846F>
default 13:21:36.302873 +0100         powerd           Process assertiond.62 Created SystemIsActive "ActiveHeat:2726:2726-D01B2AD3-8E82-40FC-BEDE-3223C4E1846F [Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] [0x15380b4f0]" age:00:00:00  id:51539643264 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
default 13:21:36.323014 +0100         ActiveHeat      [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requesting authorization with options 7
default 13:21:36.323567 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requesting authorization with options 7
default 13:21:36.323631 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requesting authorization with options 7 topics 0
default 13:21:36.325085 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Getting notification settings
default 13:21:36.325153 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Getting effective section info
default 13:21:36.325428 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Got effective section info [ hasResult: 1 ]
default 13:21:36.325500 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Got notification settings [ hasResult: 1 ]
default 13:21:36.326241 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Already registered. Update authorization with options 7 topics 0
default 13:21:36.326849 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Updating authorization options: 7
default 13:21:36.326907 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Update settings [authorizationStatus: 0 authorizationOptions: 7]
default 13:21:36.327017 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Getting section info
error    13:21:36.327182 +0100         SpringBoard    No data found at /var/mobile/Library/UserNotifications/com.inuheat.ActiveHeat/Topics.plist
default 13:21:36.327696 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Got section info [ hasResult: 1 ]
default 13:21:36.327912 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Authorization granted: 1
default 13:21:36.328023 +0100         bluetoothd      Received XPC check-in from session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2726-356"
default 13:21:36.328078 +0100         ActiveHeat      [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requested authorization [ didGrant: 1 hasError: 0 hasCompletionHandler: 1 ]
default 13:21:36.328132 +0100         bluetoothd      Access level is less than kXPCAccessLevelSystem for session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2726-356". Restricted state operation not allowed
default 13:21:36.328185 +0100         bluetoothd      Sending 'session attached' event for session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2726-356"
default 13:21:36.328290 +0100         ActiveHeat      [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requesting token for remote notifications
default 13:21:36.328585 +0100         bluetoothd      Registering central session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2726-356" with backgrounding: on, persistence: off restoreID: (null)
error    13:21:36.328802 +0100         SpringBoard    No valid 'aps-environment' entitlement string found for application 'com.inuheat.ActiveHeat': (null).
default 13:21:36.329022 +0100         ActiveHeat      [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requested token for remote notifications [ didSucceed: 0 hasError: 1 hasCompletionHandler: 1 ]
default 13:21:36.329127 +0100         bluetoothd      Session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2726-356" : needsRestrictedStateOperation = 0, overrideRestrictedState = 0 , blacklistMode = 0
default 13:21:36.329180 +0100         bluetoothd      Sending 'state updated' event with state "On" to session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2726-356"
default 13:21:36.329232 +0100         bluetoothd      Sending XPC message "CBMsgIdStateUpdated" to session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2726-356"
default 13:21:36.330012 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C1 Hostname#e169fb4f:443 tcp, url:, tls] start
default 13:21:36.335115 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C2 Hostname#a81e6c15:9090 tcp, url:] start
default 13:21:36.405721 +0100         dasd    Submitted Activity: <4A7830A6-F20E-42FE-9F7D-CAA4F62E8A6B>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<5>:DC41C8 <private>
default 13:21:36.407638 +0100         dasd <4A7830A6-F20E-42FE-9F7D-CAA4F62E8A6B>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<5>:DC41C8:[
            {name: ApplicationPolicy, policyWeight: 5.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.01}}
            {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 10.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.52}}
 ] sumScores:25.916667, denominator:35.700000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.725957}
default 13:21:36.407712 +0100         dasd    ' <4A7830A6-F20E-42FE-9F7D-CAA4F62E8A6B>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<5>:DC41C8' DecisionToRun:1 (Bypasses Predictions)
default 13:21:36.409793 +0100         nsurlsessiond  [C1441 Hostname#f4ca2a3c:443 tcp, bundle id: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, url:, traffic class: 200, tls, indefinite] start
default 13:21:36.643003 +0100         SpringBoard    Front display did change: <SBApplication: 0x28160b480; com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>
default 13:21:36.694941 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C3 Hostname#c3ae4988:80 tcp, url:] start
default 13:21:36.696820 +0100         SpringBoard    activity info changed to slow=0 sync=0 identifier=com.inuheat.ActiveHeat
default 13:21:36.725956 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C4 Hostname#c3ae4988:80 tcp, url:] start
default 13:21:36.835093 +0100         assertiond       Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x15380b4f0; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…3223C4E1846F>
default 13:21:36.835239 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2726] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x15380b4f0; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…3223C4E1846F>
default 13:21:36.835712 +0100         powerd           Process assertiond.62 Released SystemIsActive "ActiveHeat:2726:2726-D01B2AD3-8E82-40FC-BEDE-3223C4E1846F [Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] [0x15380b4f0]" age:00:00:00  id:51539643264 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
default 13:21:36.835919 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2726] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x15380b4f0; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…3223C4E1846F>
default 13:21:36.862566 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C1 Hostname#e169fb4f:443 tcp, url:, tls] cancel
default 13:21:36.862685 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C1 Hostname#e169fb4f:443 tcp, url:, tls] cancelled
            [C1.1 <private><->IPv4#ce01af44:443]
            Connected Path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, ipv6, dns
            Duration: 0.548s, DNS @0.002s took 0.044s, TCP @0.052s took 0.108s, TLS took 0.270s
            bytes in/out: 7216/1324, packets in/out: 9/3, rtt: 0.105s, retransmitted packets: 0, out-of-order packets: 0
default 13:21:37.127672 +0100         backboardd     Connection removed: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:052DDEC0-71C0-4212-A084-72FA007F6581 pid:2726 process:ActiveHeat type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: <redacted> + 364 attributes:<CFBasicHash 0x117007220 [0x113900010]>{type = immutable dict, count = 3,
entries =>
            0 : <CFString 0x113cb6550 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "pid"} = <CFNumber 0xb1cdea82681e3fb0 [0x229d05610]>{value = +2726, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
            1 : <CFString 0x113c77ed0 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "bundleID"} = <CFString 0x113c79610 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat"}
            2 : <CFString 0x113c5b540 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "HighFrequency"} = <CFBoolean 0x229d0b608 [0x229d05610]>{value = false}
default 13:21:37.145172 +0100         bluetoothd      Closed XPC connection to session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2726-356"
default 13:21:37.145238 +0100         bluetoothd      Unregistering session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2726-356"
default 13:21:37.147017 +0100         bluetoothd      Sending 'session detached' event for session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2726-356"
default 13:21:37.151461 +0100         SpringBoard    WIFI PICKER [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat]: isProcessLaunch: 0, isForegroundActivation: 0, isForegroundDeactivation: 1
error    13:21:37.151804 +0100         symptomsd     Can't get most elevated app state from dictionary {
 BKSApplicationStateExtensionKey = 0;
 SBApplicationStateDisplayIDKey = "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat";
 SBApplicationStateKey = 0;
 SBApplicationStateProcessIDKey = 2726;
 SBApplicationStateRunningReasonsKey = (
 SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionIdentifierKey = Resume;
 SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionReasonKey = 10000;
default 13:21:37.152110 +0100         symptomsd     2726 com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: Unknown (most elevated: Unknown)
default 13:21:37.154135 +0100         symptomsd     Entry, display name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat uuid (null) pid 2726 isFront 0
default 13:21:37.156196 +0100         symptomsd     Continue with bundle name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, is front 0
default 13:21:37.156341 +0100         symptomsd     com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: Foreground: false
default 13:21:37.594840 +0100         assertiond       Process exited: <BKProcess: 0x15392f1f0; ActiveHeat; com.inuheat.ActiveHeat; pid: 2726; agency: Application; visibility: none; task: none; hostpid: 2150>
default 13:21:37.701876 +0100         SpringBoard    <FBApplicationProcess: 0x10a57a8c0; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: 2726> assertiond says the process actually exited with context: <BKSProcessExitContext: 0x282b6e620; reason: crash>
default 13:21:37.702222 +0100         SpringBoard    <FBApplicationProcess: 0x10a57a8c0; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: 2726> crashed.
default 13:21:37.702538 +0100         SpringBoard    Removing: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x10a57a8c0; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: 2726>
default 13:21:37.703284 +0100         SpringBoard    Process exited: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x10a57a8c0; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: -1> -> <FBApplicationProcessExitContext: 0x283965a10; exitReason: crash; terminationReason: (none)> {
 stateAtExit = <FBProcessState: 0x2828017c0; pid: 2726; taskState: Not Running; visibility: Unknown>;
default 13:21:37.703696 +0100         SpringBoard    Application process state changed for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: (null)
default 13:21:37.705256 +0100         assertiond       Deleted job with label: UIKitApplication:com.inuheat.ActiveHeat[0x648f][62]
default 13:21:37.705482 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2726] Deleted launchd job with label: UIKitApplication:com.inuheat.ActiveHeat[0x648f][62]
default 13:21:37.705869 +0100         assertiond       Checking for deferred bootstrap request for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat
default 13:21:37.708884 +0100         SpringBoard    WIFI PICKER [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat]: isProcessLaunch: 0,    isForegroundActivation: 0,     isForegroundDeactivation: 0
default 13:21:37.712097 +0100         mediaserverd  -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client com.inuheat.ActiveHeat with pid '2726' is now Terminated. Background entitlement: NO
default 13:21:37.718761 +0100         symptomsd     2726 com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: Terminated (most elevated: Terminated)
default 13:21:37.719701 +0100         symptomsd     Entry, display name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat uuid (null) pid 2726 isFront 0
default 13:21:37.764280 +0100         SpringBoard    [SBMainDisplaySceneManager sceneManager:didDestroyScene: <FBScene: 0x281f28640; sceneID: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat; valid: NO>] - proposing IdleTimerBehavior.
default 13:21:39.029100 +0100         nsurlsessiond  [C1441 Hostname#f4ca2a3c:443 tcp, bundle id: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, url:, traffic class: 200, tls, indefinite] cancel
default 13:21:39.029733 +0100         nsurlsessiond  [C1441 Hostname#f4ca2a3c:443 tcp, bundle id: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, url:, traffic class: 200, tls, indefinite] cancelled
            [C1441.1 <private><->IPv4#d1f6603f:443]
            Connected Path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, ipv6, dns
            Duration: 2.619s, DNS @0.000s took 0.022s, TCP @0.027s took 0.110s, TLS took 0.278s
            bytes in/out: 6086/29953, packets in/out: 8/25, rtt: 0.109s, retransmitted packets: 0, out-of-order packets: 0
default 13:21:39.042261 +0100         dasd    COMPLETED <4A7830A6-F20E-42FE-9F7D-CAA4F62E8A6B>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<5>:DC41C8 <private>!
default 13:21:39.042937 +0100         dasd    NO LONGER RUNNING <4A7830A6-F20E-42FE-9F7D-CAA4F62E8A6B>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<5>:DC41C8 ...Tasks running in group [<private>] are 0!
default 13:21:39.388829 +0100         SpringBoard    Bootstrapping com.inuheat.ActiveHeat with intent foreground-interactive
default 13:21:39.388989 +0100         assertiond       Submitting new job for "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" on behalf of <BKProcess: 0x153a21000; SpringBoard;; pid: 2150; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
default 13:21:39.391367 +0100         assertiond       Submitted job with label: UIKitApplication:com.inuheat.ActiveHeat[0xe458][62]
default 13:21:39.405156 +0100         assertiond       Now tracking process <BKProcess: 0x153935d60; ActiveHeat; com.inuheat.ActiveHeat; pid: 2728; agency: Application; visibility: none; task: running; hostpid: 2150> with host <BKProcess: 0x153a21000; SpringBoard;; pid: 2150; agency: SystemShell; visibility: foreground; task: running>
default 13:21:39.405366 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Bootstrap complete with label: UIKitApplication:com.inuheat.ActiveHeat[0xe458][62]
default 13:21:39.406702 +0100         SpringBoard    Adding: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x10c409010; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: 2728>
default 13:21:39.412481 +0100         mediaserverd  -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client com.inuheat.ActiveHeat with pid '2728' is now Foreground Running. Background entitlement: NO
default 13:21:39.418282 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Setting deactivation reasons to: 'systemAnimation' for reason: scene settings update - settings are eligible for deactivation reasons.
default 13:21:39.435342 +0100         SpringBoard    Application process state changed for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x282fe2100; pid: 2728; taskState: Running; visibility: Unknown>
default 13:21:39.447130 +0100         symptomsd     2728 com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: ForegroundRunning (most elevated: ForegroundRunning)
default 13:21:39.447256 +0100         SpringBoard    WIFI PICKER [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat]: isProcessLaunch: 1, isForegroundActivation: 1, isForegroundDeactivation: 0
default 13:21:39.447429 +0100         symptomsd     Entry, display name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat uuid DB4CBB9E-FE96-37F2-B8BE-B9312FC2CD8A pid 2728 isFront 1
default 13:21:39.448265 +0100         symptomsd     Continue with bundle name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, is front 1
default 13:21:39.448493 +0100         symptomsd     com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: Foreground: true
default 13:21:39.600740 +0100         backboardd     Connection added: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:3834E948-2E79-49BC-9F65-961F12BE856A pid:2728 process:ActiveHeat type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: <redacted> + 364 attributes:<CFBasicHash 0x113f2c130 [0x113900010]>{type = immutable dict, count = 3,
entries =>
            0 : <CFString 0x111e0f8e0 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "pid"} = <CFNumber 0xb1cdea82681e3f50 [0x229d05610]>{value = +2728, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
            1 : <CFString 0x118ba5060 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "bundleID"} = <CFString 0x118b44c10 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat"}
            2 : <CFString 0x118b53210 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "HighFrequency"} = <CFBoolean 0x229d0b608 [0x229d05610]>{value = false}
default 13:21:39.651731 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Sending scene action [Logical Activate] through WorkspaceServer: 0x280891d10
default 13:21:39.656810 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x280891d10
default 13:21:39.671714 +0100         SpringBoard    Application process state changed for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x2828bbc60; pid: 2728; taskState: Running; visibility: Foreground>
default 13:21:39.671816 +0100         backboardd     [BKEventFocusManager] Setting foreground application to: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat (2728)
default 13:21:39.672272 +0100         SpringBoard    Application process state changed for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: <SBApplicationProcessState: 0x282e477c0; pid: 2728; taskState: Running; visibility: Foreground>
default 13:21:39.680924 +0100         backboardd     [BKEventFocusManager] Setting foreground application to: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat (2728)
default 13:21:39.690387 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Setting deactivation reasons to: '(none)' for reason: updateAllScenesForBand - Assertion removed.
default 13:21:39.698197 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Sending scene action [SceneLifecycleEventOnly] through WorkspaceServer: 0x280891d10
default 13:21:39.741004 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2728] Attempting to acquire assertion for ActiveHeat:2728: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x151e17830; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…2E3BC34E0996>
default 13:21:39.741218 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2728] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x151e17830; id: 2728-4B65FF27-6A2B-4260-8D39-2E3BC34E0996; name: "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat"; state: active; reason: finishTask; duration: 180.0s> {
 owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x151f0d820; ActiveHeat:2728; valid: YES>;
 flags = preventSuspend, preventIdleSleep, preventSuspendOnSleep;
default 13:21:39.741344 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2728] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x151e17830; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…2E3BC34E0996>
default 13:21:39.742392 +0100         powerd           Process assertiond.62 Created SystemIsActive "ActiveHeat:2728:2728-4B65FF27-6A2B-4260-8D39-2E3BC34E0996 [Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] [0x151e17830]" age:00:00:00  id:51539643269 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
default 13:21:39.743894 +0100         ActiveHeat      [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requesting authorization with options 7
default 13:21:39.754295 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requesting authorization with options 7
default 13:21:39.754341 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requesting authorization with options 7 topics 0
default 13:21:39.754473 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Getting notification settings
default 13:21:39.754612 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Getting effective section info
default 13:21:39.755259 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Got effective section info [ hasResult: 1 ]
default 13:21:39.755598 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Got notification settings [ hasResult: 1 ]
default 13:21:39.755644 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Already registered. Update authorization with options 7 topics 0
default 13:21:39.755691 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Updating authorization options: 7
default 13:21:39.755778 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Update settings [authorizationStatus: 0 authorizationOptions: 7]
error    13:21:39.756159 +0100         SpringBoard    No data found at /var/mobile/Library/UserNotifications/com.inuheat.ActiveHeat/Topics.plist
default 13:21:39.757069 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Getting section info
default 13:21:39.757448 +0100         bluetoothd      Received XPC check-in from session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2728-357"
default 13:21:39.757611 +0100         bluetoothd      Access level is less than kXPCAccessLevelSystem for session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2728-357". Restricted state operation not allowed
default 13:21:39.758594 +0100         ActiveHeat      [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requested authorization [ didGrant: 1 hasError: 0 hasCompletionHandler: 1 ]
default 13:21:39.758705 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Got section info [ hasResult: 1 ]
default 13:21:39.758758 +0100         bluetoothd      Sending 'session attached' event for session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2728-357"
default 13:21:39.760473 +0100         ActiveHeat      [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requesting token for remote notifications
default 13:21:39.767796 +0100         SpringBoard    [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Authorization granted: 1
error    13:21:39.770795 +0100         SpringBoard    No valid 'aps-environment' entitlement string found for application 'com.inuheat.ActiveHeat': (null).
default 13:21:39.771090 +0100         ActiveHeat      [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] Requested token for remote notifications [ didSucceed: 0 hasError: 1 hasCompletionHandler: 1 ]
default 13:21:39.771623 +0100         bluetoothd      Registering central session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2728-357" with backgrounding: on, persistence: off restoreID: (null)
default 13:21:39.772334 +0100         bluetoothd      Session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2728-357" : needsRestrictedStateOperation = 0, overrideRestrictedState = 0 , blacklistMode = 0
default 13:21:39.772445 +0100         bluetoothd      Sending 'state updated' event with state "On" to session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2728-357"
default 13:21:39.772553 +0100         bluetoothd      Sending XPC message "CBMsgIdStateUpdated" to session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2728-357"
default 13:21:39.774846 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C1 Hostname#2dae5d56:443 tcp, url:, tls] start
default 13:21:39.778541 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C2 Hostname#e789b04f:9090 tcp, url:] start
default 13:21:39.822740 +0100         assertiond       Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x151e17830; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…2E3BC34E0996>
default 13:21:39.822794 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2728] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x151e17830; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…2E3BC34E0996>
default 13:21:39.823880 +0100         powerd           Process assertiond.62 Released SystemIsActive "ActiveHeat:2728:2728-4B65FF27-6A2B-4260-8D39-2E3BC34E0996 [Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] [0x151e17830]" age:00:00:00  id:51539643269 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
default 13:21:39.824601 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2728] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x151e17830; "Shared Background Assertion 0 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…2E3BC34E0996>
default 13:21:39.849127 +0100         dasd    Submitted Activity: <46EA27AE-D423-4BCC-8997-21CFBC73A666>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<6>:14883F <private>
default 13:21:39.849490 +0100         dasd <46EA27AE-D423-4BCC-8997-21CFBC73A666>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<6>:14883F:[
            {name: ApplicationPolicy, policyWeight: 5.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.01}}
            {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 10.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.52}}
 ] sumScores:25.916667, denominator:35.700000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.725957}
default 13:21:39.849545 +0100         dasd    ' <46EA27AE-D423-4BCC-8997-21CFBC73A666>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<6>:14883F' DecisionToRun:1 (Bypasses Predictions)
default 13:21:39.850257 +0100         nsurlsessiond  [C1442 Hostname#f4ca2a3c:443 tcp, bundle id: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, url:, traffic class: 200, tls, indefinite] start
default 13:21:39.961531 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C3 Hostname#239ae436:80 tcp, url:] start
default 13:21:39.978865 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2728] Attempting to acquire assertion for ActiveHeat:2728: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x153806f10; "Shared Background Assertion 1 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…8478C06437E0>
default 13:21:39.978979 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2728] Add assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x153806f10; id: 2728-E54F0379-1FC1-4616-9BB4-8478C06437E0; name: "Shared Background Assertion 1 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat"; state: active; reason: finishTask; duration: 180.0s> {
 owner = <BSProcessHandle: 0x151f0d820; ActiveHeat:2728; valid: YES>;
 flags = preventSuspend, preventIdleSleep, preventSuspendOnSleep;
default 13:21:39.979576 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2728] Activate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x153806f10; "Shared Background Assertion 1 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…8478C06437E0>
default 13:21:39.980303 +0100         powerd           Process assertiond.62 Created SystemIsActive "ActiveHeat:2728:2728-E54F0379-1FC1-4616-9BB4-8478C06437E0 [Shared Background Assertion 1 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] [0x153806f10]" age:00:00:00  id:51539643270 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
default 13:21:40.021207 +0100         SpringBoard    Front display did change: <SBApplication: 0x28160b480; com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>
default 13:21:40.052173 +0100         SpringBoard    activity info changed to slow=0 sync=0 identifier=com.inuheat.ActiveHeat
default 13:21:40.061173 +0100         dasd <46EA27AE-D423-4BCC-8997-21CFBC73A666>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<6>:14883F:[
            {name: ApplicationPolicy, policyWeight: 5.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.01}}
            {name: DeviceActivityPolicy, policyWeight: 10.000, response: {Decision: Can Proceed, Score: 0.52}}
 ] sumScores:25.916667, denominator:35.700000, FinalDecision: Can Proceed FinalScore: 0.725957}
default 13:21:40.065847 +0100         assertiond       Client relinquished <BKProcessAssertion: 0x153806f10; "Shared Background Assertion 1 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…8478C06437E0>
default 13:21:40.066031 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2728] Deactivate assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x153806f10; "Shared Background Assertion 1 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…8478C06437E0>
default 13:21:40.066766 +0100         powerd           Process assertiond.62 Released SystemIsActive "ActiveHeat:2728:2728-E54F0379-1FC1-4616-9BB4-8478C06437E0 [Shared Background Assertion 1 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat] [0x153806f10]" age:00:00:00  id:51539643270 [System: PrevIdle SysAct]
default 13:21:40.066903 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2728] Remove assertion: <BKProcessAssertion: 0x153806f10; "Shared Background Assertion 1 for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" (finishTask:180s); id:…8478C06437E0>
default 13:21:40.071478 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C4 Hostname#239ae436:80 tcp, url:] start
default 13:21:40.282937 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C1 Hostname#2dae5d56:443 tcp, url:, tls] cancel
default 13:21:40.283013 +0100         ActiveHeat      [C1 Hostname#2dae5d56:443 tcp, url:, tls] cancelled
            [C1.1 <private><->IPv4#9bf7ba84:443]
            Connected Path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, ipv6, dns
            Duration: 0.555s, DNS @0.007s took 0.043s, TCP @0.063s took 0.113s, TLS took 0.240s
            bytes in/out: 7216/1324, packets in/out: 9/3, rtt: 0.112s, retransmitted packets: 0, out-of-order packets: 0
default 13:21:40.564743 +0100         bluetoothd      Received XPC message "CBMsgIdScan" from session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2728-357"
default 13:21:40.566893 +0100         bluetoothd      Received 'start scan' request with duplicates for all UUIDs from session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2728-357"
default 13:21:40.568536 +0100         bluetoothd      State of application "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat" is now "foreground-running"
default 13:21:40.571069 +0100         backboardd     Connection removed: IOHIDEventSystemConnection uuid:3834E948-2E79-49BC-9F65-961F12BE856A pid:2728 process:ActiveHeat type:Passive entitlements:0x0 caller:BackBoardServices: <redacted> + 364 attributes:<CFBasicHash 0x113f2c130 [0x113900010]>{type = immutable dict, count = 3,
entries =>
            0 : <CFString 0x111e0f8e0 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "pid"} = <CFNumber 0xb1cdea82681e3f50 [0x229d05610]>{value = +2728, type = kCFNumberSInt64Type}
            1 : <CFString 0x118ba5060 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "bundleID"} = <CFString 0x118b44c10 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat"}
            2 : <CFString 0x118b53210 [0x229d05610]>{contents = "HighFrequency"} = <CFBoolean 0x229d0b608 [0x229d05610]>{value = false}
default 13:21:40.573509 +0100         bluetoothd      Closed XPC connection to session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2728-357"
default 13:21:40.573562 +0100         bluetoothd      Unregistering session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2728-357"
default 13:21:40.573709 +0100         bluetoothd      Received 'stop scan' request from session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2728-357"
default 13:21:40.575270 +0100         bluetoothd      Sending 'session detached' event for session "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat-central-2728-357"
default 13:21:40.586637 +0100         SpringBoard    WIFI PICKER [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat]: isProcessLaunch: 0, isForegroundActivation: 0, isForegroundDeactivation: 1
error    13:21:40.587771 +0100         symptomsd     Can't get most elevated app state from dictionary {
 BKSApplicationStateExtensionKey = 0;
 SBApplicationStateDisplayIDKey = "com.inuheat.ActiveHeat";
 SBApplicationStateKey = 0;
 SBApplicationStateProcessIDKey = 2728;
 SBApplicationStateRunningReasonsKey = (
 SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionIdentifierKey = Resume;
 SBApplicationStateRunningReasonAssertionReasonKey = 10000;
default 13:21:40.587998 +0100         symptomsd     2728 com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: Unknown (most elevated: Unknown)
default 13:21:40.589682 +0100         symptomsd     Entry, display name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat uuid (null) pid 2728 isFront 0
default 13:21:40.590637 +0100         symptomsd     Continue with bundle name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, is front 0
default 13:21:40.590739 +0100         symptomsd     com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: Foreground: false
default 13:21:41.007078 +0100         assertiond       Process exited: <BKProcess: 0x153935d60; ActiveHeat; com.inuheat.ActiveHeat; pid: 2728; agency: Application; visibility: none; task: none; hostpid: 2150>
default 13:21:41.117528 +0100         SpringBoard    <FBApplicationProcess: 0x10c409010; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: 2728> assertiond says the process actually exited with context: <BKSProcessExitContext: 0x282b02a00; reason: crash>
default 13:21:41.118259 +0100         SpringBoard    <FBApplicationProcess: 0x10c409010; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: 2728> crashed.
default 13:21:41.119316 +0100         SpringBoard    Removing: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x10c409010; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: 2728>
default 13:21:41.121509 +0100         SpringBoard    Process exited: <FBApplicationProcess: 0x10c409010; ActiveHeat (com.inuheat.ActiveHeat); pid: -1> -> <FBApplicationProcessExitContext: 0x283966400; exitReason: crash; terminationReason: (none)> {
 stateAtExit = <FBProcessState: 0x2828bbdc0; pid: 2728; taskState: Not Running; visibility: Unknown>;
default 13:21:41.123064 +0100         SpringBoard    Application process state changed for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: (null)
default 13:21:41.125547 +0100         assertiond       Deleted job with label: UIKitApplication:com.inuheat.ActiveHeat[0xe458][62]
default 13:21:41.125887 +0100         assertiond       [ActiveHeat:2728] Deleted launchd job with label: UIKitApplication:com.inuheat.ActiveHeat[0xe458][62]
default 13:21:41.126510 +0100         assertiond       Checking for deferred bootstrap request for com.inuheat.ActiveHeat
default 13:21:41.138936 +0100         mediaserverd  -CMSessionMgr- CMSessionMgrHandleApplicationStateChange: CMSession: Client com.inuheat.ActiveHeat with pid '2728' is now Terminated. Background entitlement: NO
default 13:21:41.147083 +0100         SpringBoard    WIFI PICKER [com.inuheat.ActiveHeat]: isProcessLaunch: 0, isForegroundActivation: 0, isForegroundDeactivation: 0
default 13:21:41.154509 +0100         symptomsd     2728 com.inuheat.ActiveHeat: Terminated (most elevated: Terminated)
default 13:21:41.177170 +0100         symptomsd     Entry, display name com.inuheat.ActiveHeat uuid (null) pid 2728 isFront 0
default 13:21:41.197508 +0100         SpringBoard    [SBMainDisplaySceneManager sceneManager:didDestroyScene: <FBScene: 0x281897de0; sceneID: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat; valid: NO>] - proposing IdleTimerBehavior.
default 13:21:42.279067 +0100         nsurlsessiond  [C1442 Hostname#f4ca2a3c:443 tcp, bundle id: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, url:, traffic class: 200, tls, indefinite] cancel
default 13:21:42.279710 +0100         nsurlsessiond  [C1442 Hostname#f4ca2a3c:443 tcp, bundle id: com.inuheat.ActiveHeat, url:, traffic class: 200, tls, indefinite] cancelled
            [C1442.1 <private><->IPv4#d1f6603f:443]
            Connected Path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en0, ipv4, ipv6, dns
            Duration: 2.433s, DNS @0.002s took 0.012s, TCP @0.020s took 0.108s, TLS took 0.180s
            bytes in/out: 311/30335, packets in/out: 2/25, rtt: 0.107s, retransmitted packets: 0, out-of-order packets: 0
default 13:21:42.287908 +0100         dasd    COMPLETED <46EA27AE-D423-4BCC-8997-21CFBC73A666>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<6>:14883F <private>!
default 13:21:42.288482 +0100         dasd    NO LONGER RUNNING <46EA27AE-D423-4BCC-8997-21CFBC73A666>.<com.inuheat.ActiveHeat>.<com.twitter.crashlytics.ios.crash.background-session>.<6>:14883F ...Tasks running in group [<private>] are 0!

I have a similar problem, any solution?

I meet it, do you have any solution?

Similar problem here - the System Log says:

RBSStateCapture remove item called for untracked item <RBProcessMonitorObserver: 0x1010a4320; <RBProcess: 0x101065030; 1461; identity: application<***.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx>>; configCount: 0>

I just rolled back from Catalina to Mojave with Xcode 11.1 - which solved *my* problem!

Same Issue we have, it works fine on most of devices, on some devices the crash happens immediately on the start.
any solutions?

I have exactly the same issue. Works on Simulator. Another App using the same wildcard provisioning profile works fine. This app starts and crashes immediately.

Xcode 12.4

Ever find a solution

I'm also experiencing this problem. Did you ever find a solution?

I was able to solve my issue by clicking on the xcodeproj file, selecting the app target, and ensuring that all required frameworks/etc were added as "Embed & Sign" under "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content"