Can we use ARKit Face tracking?

My question is due to this requirement right here: "it must be optimized to display properly on all models of iPad Pro."

I wanted to know exactly what does that mean, and if we can use ARKit face tracking?

Accepted Reply

See this forum post for some clarification on this issue:


I have this question too.

Hey, I looked into this, and as far as I could find on the internet, the SDK of Playgrounds only supports 12.0, while TrueDepth support for iPad was added in 12.1. I tried FaceTracking but unfortunately it's not supported at the moment.

So i tested and it kinda works, like it doesn't crash but it starts to run on the rear camera, any help would be apprecieted 😄

Did you use ARFaceTrackingConfiguration? In playgrounds this automatically starts the front facing camera. Also, in order to use FaceTracking in the first place, you need the latest gen iPad Pro with TrueDepth. Any other iPad doesn't support it.

I personally tried it with the 12,9" iPad Pro 3rd gen.

Yep, I did manege to make the front camera work but now the delegates don't get called 🙃 also I am using an iPad Pro 11

Yes that's the main problem I ran into, that the delegate methods don't work. They do work when you for instance change to ARWorldTrackingConfiguration, so it's clearly a SDK support thing I think.

Having the same issue. Delegation methods aren't called ... very sad, because I had a great idea 😟

I Think I am onto something basically is not the delegate that dosent get called is that the Playground never adds "ARFaceAnchor" thus never callling the delegates you can prove this becouse the delegate:

func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer, updateAtTime time: TimeInterval)

Works but both:

func session(_ session: ARSession, didUpdate anchors: [ARAnchor])
func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer, didAdd node: SCNNode, for anchor: ARAnchor)

Don't work meaning the FaceAnchor never gets created.

Is anyone still trying to figure this out? What's the llikelihood this would be repaired before the submission due date?

Really hoping for an answer or a solution soon :/

Same here!

See this forum post for some clarification on this issue:

@mattusi, last year, I've used Vision Framework to track the face of the users.

I don't know what you are planning to do with ARKit Face Tracking, but the Vision Framework did the trick for me. Maybe you can use this as an alternative.
Some concerns I had last year is that it crashes if you have a lot of faces but if it's just few faces, it's ok. 🙂
Good Luck! 🙂

Hey michie,

Is your playground from last year open source/would you be willing to send me the AVFoundation setup from it?

I'm having orientation issues, so I'd really appreciate it! If you're willing to help you can paste the link here or just email me
