Guideline 3.2.2

Hello, It’s for months now that we have this problem. always the same explination. We removed all the ads and still we have issues with this guideline... we don’t see it anymore and there is no support from apple. Knowing that we had before a green light after we did some changes at our privacysettings and we had to put a legal text in it. Our app is a game that rewards with real money after you geussed a image, it can be anything its like a puzzle game. We tried an appeal a couple of times even then we didn’t get an anwser or something! Guideline 3.2.2 - Business - Other Business Model Issues - Unacceptable The primary purpose of your app is to encourage users to watch ads or perform marketing-oriented tasks, which is not appropriate for the App Store. Next Steps We encourage you to review your app concept and incorporate different content and features that are in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines. -------------------------------- So if anyone had idea how we could solve this it will be very welcome !! Thanks


Did you have any luck or are you still in the same position?

I also have dealing with the same issues except they removed 2 of my apps that were already in the App Store without warning for the same issue you've experinced.

"Guideline 3.2.2 - Business - Other Business Model Issues - Unacceptable The primary purpose of your app is to encourage users to watch ads or perform marketing-oriented tasks, which is not appropriate for the App Store."

It's been over 45 days and multiple rejections all without any additonal explaintion from Apple. Did any of you find a solution to this issue?


Hi, I received the same rejection from Apple. Please email me and we can work together to solve this problem.