Two factor authentication broke everything

I am no longer able to do any work since my developer account is in this state: "Your Apple ID currently has two-step verification turned on, but two-factor authentication is required."

But I cannot enable two-factor authentication since all my trusted devices are assigned to my non-developer Apple ID. And I cannot change that since that AppleID is connected to everything such as iTunes purchases, etc.

How are other developers setting things up? Have you had to effectively consolidate Apple IDs and only have one?


I think the answer is yes: you should have a trusted device on the developer ID.

I had to call Apple support for changing my AppleID to organization. They were extremely helpful and responsive. And they also helped me in setting up 2FA,

But that's the problem; I _cannot_ have a trusted device on my developer Apple ID. All my devices are connected to my main Apple ID and it needs to stay that way. Otherwise I lose access to all my content.

Seen the discussion here?

Re: 2FA and multiple developer accounts

...and here..

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