Safari on iOS Web Inspector Show Width X Height

Hi everyone, I'm working on a website and I'm trying to inspect elements on Safari on iOS. I already uses Web Inspector, and Im able to connect my iPhone to my iMac. But the thing is, how can I know the exact width x height of each element that I inspect?



Accepted Reply

There are several ways:

1. Use the Element Inspection mode (+ icon in the toolbar, or Shift-Cmd-C). When you hover an element, the dimensions and element id are displayed next to the hovered element.

2. Select an element in Elements Tab. You can check the size in the Computed styles section.

3. Select an element via (1) or (2). Then, in the console, use $0.getBoundingClientRect() to compute the element bounds.


There are several ways:

1. Use the Element Inspection mode (+ icon in the toolbar, or Shift-Cmd-C). When you hover an element, the dimensions and element id are displayed next to the hovered element.

2. Select an element in Elements Tab. You can check the size in the Computed styles section.

3. Select an element via (1) or (2). Then, in the console, use $0.getBoundingClientRect() to compute the element bounds.

Thanks 🙂