My file used to save. now it doesn't. there are no error messages. what gives?

currently... When I try to save my doc based app file I get an error dialog that says:

The document “Untitled” could not be saved as “test.CNDoc”.

that's it. that's everything. That's the whole error message.

this. used. to. work.

I've tried adding a UTI to my document type. That lead to a series of actual error messages that have nothing to do with me, the error complains about a deprecated code (that I'm not calling), being potentially caused by a missing UTI definition (it's not missing) and there's no indication at all that there's even documentation about how to do this.


It's like the entire NSCoding system has been turned off and they don't want you to know why so they just strung a bunch of made up words together that are completely unrelated.


Updating your question with the following information would help someone answer the question:

  • The version of macOS you're using.
  • The version of Xcode you're using.
  • The code you wrote to save the file.
  • The values of the fields for the UTI you created.
  • The text of the error messages.