Table View Rotate problem


i am new to IOS development so please redirect if i amin the wrong place please also advise where might be good for this type of initial help

i think i may need someone to look at whats going wrong on my app

I have a tableview (Email Style) which works fine in portrait mode

however if i rotate to landscape now clicking on the cells instead of expanding on the left ie:

+ Date 01/01/2019 2

+ Date 02/01/2019 5

then when you click to expand (below is what it does in portrait mode correctly)

- Date 01/01/2019

John Smith - the Way Home

Peter Blogg - All Home now

+ Date 02/01/2019

It will the revert to previous Screen (ie in my case the initial logging screen)

I think it has something to do with trapping the click/Touch event in landscape but i am lost

Please can some one help

or is there a service that people can help someone like me struggling with IOS. Swift

Thanks in Advance


Please clarify.

What do you see exactly in Portrait ?

Do you see the same in Landscape ?

Is it

+ Date 02/01/2019 5

If so, what is the 5 at the end ?

When you expand in Portrait, do you get this ?

- Date 01/01/2019

John Smith - the Way Home

Peter Blogg - All Home now

What do you get in landscape ?

Please show the code