process name in custom instrument

If I wanted a column of my stores table to be the name of the process, what would I put in my schema? For example












It would be incredibly useful for those of us attempting custom instrument creation if the source to some of instruments "Instruments" were available somewhere to peruse... right now trying to figure out how to use CLIPS in a custom instrument is rather terrifying to say the least.



Accepted Reply

Start by using <type>process</type>. Then if you capture the thread in the start or end pattern, say into a variable called "?thread", you can use the expression:

<expression>(process-from-thread ?thread)</expression>

That extracts an object of the engineering type "process". We're working on the documentation for functions like "(process-from-thread ...)".


Start by using <type>process</type>. Then if you capture the thread in the start or end pattern, say into a variable called "?thread", you can use the expression:

<expression>(process-from-thread ?thread)</expression>

That extracts an object of the engineering type "process". We're working on the documentation for functions like "(process-from-thread ...)".

Thank you so much! Knew there was some secret incantation somewhere 🙂

    <title>dyld launch executable</title>
      <expression>(process-from-thread ?thread)</expression>

@cwoolf: I've got another fun one for you if/when moderators approve 🙂