Download from url and save 3d model in .scnAssets folder

Hi all,
I'm working on ARkit 2.0. Downloading a 3d model from https url and i want to save it in ".scnassets" directory. where currently its being saved in 'dicuments" directory.
How can i move it to scnAssets directory or directoly download it in .scnAssets?

Accepted Reply

You cannot save assets to the scn assets folder as that is in the app bundle; think of it as read only.

As you mention, the file is saved to the docuemnts foldfer in the app's sandbox. You can load the asset by constructing a path. I did something like this in Objective-C sometime ago with SCN files.


You cannot save assets to the scn assets folder as that is in the app bundle; think of it as read only.

As you mention, the file is saved to the docuemnts foldfer in the app's sandbox. You can load the asset by constructing a path. I did something like this in Objective-C sometime ago with SCN files.