Missing keyboard

We have an app, deployed to more than milion users.

Some of them report that they don't see chinese or russian keyboard when they try to select a language to type.

They say it happens only on our app.

Since I'm not familiar with API to set what lanauges the user see in his keyboard, I really don't know what to do here.

The issue is not reproduced on our devices..

Any direction?

don't see chinese or russian keyboard when they try to select a language to type

You mean when they select language on the keyboard or in Settings ?

What type of keyboard did you define for the textField ?

They don't see it when they select the language on the keyboard, although the language is already their in the settings.

The type of the keyboard is the defualt one, but it happens to all the keyboards (not just text field) in our app.

It happens only on our app, only for some users, and it solved when they re-install the app.

This is very strange (I am 8 years in iOS development, never seen anything like that), and we suffer from bad review because of that.

Seems ou are not the only one having trouble with russian keyboard.


I would advise you file a bug report, mentionning as well this other thread.

Thanks to report bug number here.

Note: should move this thread to Cocoa Touch

Are your users still seeing this in iOS 12.1?

I don't know yet, I need to check.

Are you aware of any fixes in iOS 12.1 regarding this issue?

No, just hoping. Also, I don't know if the problem was introduced in iOS 12, or earlier. I've only had one report of it, and that happened to be on iOS 12.

I think I remember there were a few changes on keyboard layout recently, but didn't read whether they addressed this issue or not.

Missing keyboard