USDZ converter not working properly

I have to say right from the start that I'm relatively new to the subject of coding on a Mac. I mainly use it to convert 3D data to the USDZ format needed for AR. So far I understood that.

But if I now convert a file with Xcode in the terminal (e.g. an OBJ) and the terminal returns that the conversion was successful, the finished USDZ file does not appear in the output folder afterwards. Am I simply stupid and the file is stored in another folder, or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for your help!



Do you want to give an example of the code you are using? Is your xcode updated? Did you double check if the command line tools were working?

-Jake Jones

Also make sure you log your apple ID in when you open xcode. I replicated the issue and that seemed to be the problem.

Thanks for your answer Jake. So I used this Code:

xcrun usdz_converter /Users/benkoch/Desktop/Turnschuh/171_sneaker_hi.obj sneaker.usdz -g Turnschuh -color_map 171_sneaker_hi_albedo.jpg -metallic_map 171_sneaker_hi_metallness.png -roughness_map 171_sneaker_hi_roughness.jpg -normal_map 171_sneaker_hi_normal.png

usd_converter converting file: /Users/benkoch/Desktop/Turnschuh/171_sneaker_hi.obj

converted usdz file: sneaker.usdz

But the file is not showing up in the "Turnschuh" folder. Where can I check whether I'm logged into Xcode or not?

So under "Preferences" I'm logged in with my apple ID...

That xcrun command is going to put the file in whatever folder you're in when you ran it. Type "pwd" (enter) and "ls" (enter) (that's a lowercase-l) right after you do the xcrun command.

Thanks for your answer, but I also couldn't find it there.
I tried to convert a simple cube from obj to usdz in the meantime, but the problem is still exisiting.
Please correct me if I'm missing something:

cd desktop 
xcrun usdz_converter cube.obj cube.usdz
usd_converter converting file: cube.obj
converted usdz file: cube.usdz
Character Turnschuh Vincent.blend cube.obj
Mobile AR Unity Xcode Files house.7z

So as you can see, the files stil does not appear. I also reinstalled Xcode and made Finder show hidden files (eventhough Terminal can do that, just to doublecheck).

I have just no idea what to do. Thanks,

Okay so I added -v -l and -d to the command and now it created a file, which is a bit strange:

xcrun usdz_converter cube.obj cube.usdz -v -l -d

The file it puts out is named "cube_$$usd_converter$$_.usdc". But still no .usdz...

Also trying to convert this strange .usdc file to .usdz did not work. Again it says "converted usdz file: cube.usdz" but still no .usdz.