Playground @testable import (Xcode10)

With Xcode9 I was able to import a framework the following way:

`@testable import MyFramework`

and this would allow me to invoke internal functions and avoid having to mark everything used as Public. This no longer works in Xcode10. I get errors of the type `error: Couldn't lookup symbols:` (importing without the @testable does work but would require marking everything used as Public).

Has anyone found a fix for making @testable work in Xcode10 playgrounds?


I'm with the same issue. Did you managed to understand the issue?

+1 I also need "testable import"

+1. This was working for me in Xcode 9, but now my playgrounds don't work when trying to import them framework within the same workspace.

The error reads:

error: Couldn't lookup symbols:

type metadata accessor for {framework name here}