Search Ads API 504 Status


I create Search Ads Campaigns using next API link: [POST]

When campaign is relatively small, all goes smoothly.

But, if I try to create campaign with ~18 AdGroups and each has more than ~1500 negative keywords, I get 504 Gateway Time-out response.

I've tried to search through docummentation about possible API limits, but found nothing.

Does anyone has idea how to overcome this?

Or where may I find any information about API limits?

Even when I try to create Campaign with 1 AdGroup with a lot of negative keywords it sometimes succeeds and sometimes not.

Accepted Reply

So, after investigation with Apple team, we've figured out that Search Ads Campaign API can't process big amount ~25k negatives at one time. Solution is to create campaign first and then update it with adgroup one by one.


So, after investigation with Apple team, we've figured out that Search Ads Campaign API can't process big amount ~25k negatives at one time. Solution is to create campaign first and then update it with adgroup one by one.