iOS 12 Network.framework flagged as non-public APIs

Hi there,

I'm using the brand-new spiffy iOS 12 Network.framework and trying to submit my app. Today is after iOS 12 general release, and i'm submitting with XCode 10 general release (installed from Mac App Store).

The Network.framework APIs are getting flagged as non-public APIs, so I cannot submit my app.

Can someone at Apple please fix this? Below i've pasted what App Store Connect emails me when I upload a build.

I also emailed this to appreview at apple dot com.

Non-public API usage:

The app references non-public symbols in Frameworks/libswiftNetwork.dylib: _NWCreateDispatchDataFromNSData, _NWCreateNSDataFromDispatchData, _nw_endpoint_copy_interface, _nw_endpoint_create_unix, _nw_endpoint_set_interface, _nw_interface_create_with_index, _nw_interface_create_with_name, _nwlog_get_string_for_dns_service_error

Accepted Reply

UPDATE: I talked with Apple today, and uploaded 2 builds of 2 apps successfully -- as of Friday Sept. 28 this is fixed.


The Network.framework APIs are getting flagged as non-public APIs, so I cannot submit my app.

Hmmm, that’s not good. Please file a bug about this, then post your bug number here.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

Thanks, I filed bug 44603506. I filed under "App Store" which is probably incorrect

I filed bug 44603506.


I filed under "App Store" which is probably incorrect

That should be fine (if it’s not the right place our bugs folks will route it appropriately).

I’ve brought your bug report to the attention of some relevant parties here at Apple but that’s about as far as I’m likely to take things in this context. You should get further updates via the bug report itself.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

Thanks Quinn - really appreciate your help as always!

It is a bit painful delaying the beta & the release of our apps for iOS 12 because of this bug (we bet on Network.framework), hope they can sort it out soon

It would be nice if they would fix it. I am getting the same rejection when I try and upload an app. It was uploading and everything was fine until Xcode 10 came along. I thought maybe at first it might be a third party cocoa pod I was using for sockets. So this morning I removed it and replaced all the code with the latest published network Frameworks api that was covered in wwdc videos from this year. Great apis and looks to be the future and eliminating use of third party libraries. But even taking out all the third party stuff I still get this rejection. Waste of time to file a bug report as it will be returned as a duplicate. So unless someone updates this forum post with status we are just twisting in the wind waiting for some magic to occur in Cupertino.

So so many things that were working suddenly have gone south with Xcode 10 builds. It would be nice if they had a way for people to see the status of bug reports.

UPDATE: I talked with Apple today, and uploaded 2 builds of 2 apps successfully -- as of Friday Sept. 28 this is fixed.

Excellent news. Thanks for confirming the fix.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

Bad news, this regressed today. Got a build rejected again with

Non-public API usage:

The app references non-public symbols in Frameworks/libswiftNetwork.dylib: _NWCreateDispatchDataFromNSData, _NWCreateNSDataFromDispatchData, _nw_endpoint_copy_interface, _nw_endpoint_create_unix, _nw_endpoint_set_interface, _nw_interface_create_with_index, _nw_interface_create_with_name, _nwlog_get_string_for_dns_service_error

Same here. This is so annoying!

(10/6 Update: It's fixed. Thanks.)