ARKit Anchor Image tracking - slow updates when marker is moving


I am running Unity with ARKit in an Iphone 8 and running the scene UnityARImageAnchor where a marker can be tracked and become an anchor.

I was following this tutorial and I manage to track a custom marker image and display the AxesPrefab on top of it. The marker is tracked very well when the marker is not moving, but the update of the axes is very slow when the marker is moving (maybe around 1 Hz?). Was wondering if this is the normal/expected behaviour or I have to do some changes in my scene?



Same issue here with an iPhoneX and iPhone 8 : when moving marker, the updating rendering is very slow...

same issue here with iPad (2018).
Is there no setting where I can increase the frequency with which ARKit will run it's pattern recognition?

Try this.

ARWorldTrackingConfiguration *configuration = [[ARWorldTrackingConfiguration alloc] init];


configuration.maximumNumberOfTrackedImages = 1;

  • ah... setting configuration.maximumNumberOfTrackedImages = 1 worked even with swift. Thanks!

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Hello, The tutorial that you are referencing uses ARKit 1.5. Image tracking at 60 fps was introduced in ARKit 2 (iOS 12). Basically all you need to do is make sure you are on the latest version of XCode/iOS/Unity and your image tracking frequency will improve dramatically.