Setting SKScene as SCNPlane material contents - Crash

I create a simple SKScene with an UIImage as its texture, then try to set it as the material content of a SCNPlane.

I get the following error message:

validateTextureDimensions, line 758: error 'MTLTextureDescriptor has width of zero.'
validateTextureDimensions:758: failed assertion `MTLTextureDescriptor has width of zero.'

What is this error message saying?

Accepted Reply

Oh never mind. I figured it out.

I'm just using SceneKit and SpriteKit. For some reason when I create SKScene, I need to set its size to match ARScnView's size.


Oh never mind. I figured it out.

I'm just using SceneKit and SpriteKit. For some reason when I create SKScene, I need to set its size to match ARScnView's size.

Ran into the exact same issue. Thanks for posting your solution here, that helped a lot.