Can't use model from Create ML (iOS 11.3)

After I've trained model in Create ML, it's work on iOS 12 (both device and simulator). But after I've changed target platform to iOS 11.3 for testing with device with iOS 11.3, it's not working anymore.

The crash log

Fatal error: 'try!' expression unexpectedly raised an error: Error Code=3 "No known class for loading model type MLModelType_pipelineClassifier" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No known class for loading model type MLModelType_pipelineClassifier}

Currently, the model that was created from Create ML seems to be working with iOS 12 only.


I think we got the same problem , After I create a model using Create MLUI and use it with my app on my Iphone 7+ (IOS 11.3.1) it seem to have a bug which lead to app crash. So i assump that , it is a bug since everything is still in beta.

For image classifiers, Create ML only trains the last layer of the model and that is the only thing that will be saved in the mlmodel file. The rest neural network is part of iOS 12, which means you cannot use this model in iOS 11.

Likewise, the text classifier models that Create ML produces output an mlmodel file that is not compatible with the Core ML format used by iOS 11.

I'm not sure about the general-purpose classifier and regression models that Create ML produces, but it wouldn't surprise me if these were Core ML 2 + iOS 12 only.

Yes Model generated using CREATE ML is compatible with only IOS12 looks like. I tried on IOS12 device. It working without any crash.

I have got the same problem, trying use project for iOS 11, but any preferences I configured for iOS 12 (+ on my phone has iOS 12. Beta 3)
Who what think about it?

Yes this is correct, the ScenePrint feature extractor for the MLImageClassifier is only available on iOS 12.

I have a similar issue except mine works with ios 13 but not below I get a exe bad access crash on predictionFromFeattures from within the auto generated file that dragging my model to xcode creates. Mine is an activity classifier.