Why is the value of the picker wheel have “, X of Y” appended to the string value of the picker?

How can this be controlled? For example, I have 4 different options in my picker wheel (a blank “ ” option, BUDGET, MISC, and WORK ISSUE). If my current value of the picker wheel is BUDGET, and I call the adjustToPickerWheelValue() method to change it to MISC, I will get an error “UI Testing Failure – Internal error: unable to find current value ‘BUDGET, 2 of 4’ in possible values BUDGET, MISC, WORK ISSUE…”. It’s the “, 2 of 4” that is messing the value up. This is also the value of the picker wheel I see when I use the simulator’s accessibility inspector tool.


We have search fields embedded in the same component as our Segmented Control and the testing framework is unable to interact with it. If I record my actions in XCode, when I tap this search bar, it records the code app.tables.searchFields[“Search”].tap(), but this line does not execute properly. An error is raised that the framework cannot find the element. I have even tried to query the element by using app.descendantsMatchingType(.SearchField).element, but that still would not return the results I was looking for.


This still seems to be an issue for me. I can not set the picker at all the above suggestion does not work. Will there be a fix for this issue in the forseeable future? Please advise thanks.

I've had a similar issue, but not gotten any trction on it after reporting it almost two years ago.

When adjusting a picker with multiple wheels, it will onlhy adjust the wheel one position regardless of how many are require to reach the tequested value.

adjust(toPickerWheelValue: "None")



I guess this bug is never going to be fixed.. or is there any hint if there will be a fix in the near future?

I have the same issue (on Xcode 10.1). Did you ever find a solution?

Issue was solved around XCode 11.2 but is broken again in XCode 11.5 when trying to adjust 1 out of 5 pickerwheels.

My solution for datePickerWheel adjustments  https://medium.com/@iliapavlov314/swiftui-not-supported-adjusting-picker-wheel-value-7640adb2b3e8