ARKit Focus Sqare in Objective C

I am developing an AR app for which I need to implement Focus Square similar to this sample. I know Apple provides a sample in Swift language but I want to implement similar functionality in Objective-C. I don't know Swift language.

Where can I find Objective-C implementation of this sample?

What is the logic behind the Focus Square placement?

I would appreciate any suggestions and thoughts on this topic. Thank you.



We don't have an Objective-C version of the focus square, but you don't need to use the focus square and you may not want to. The Human Interface Guidelines covers this in the Augmented Reality section. Specifically in the Entering Augmented Reality portion. You may want to come up with your own way of guiding your customers into the Augmented Reality experience that aligns with your app.

Human Interface Guidelines -> Augmented Reality -> Entering Augmented Reality

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote reply of 3ZS Down vote reply of 3ZS

Thank you for the reply. I will go through the guidelines. I have following questions:

  1. Are there any documentation explaining the code logic of Focus square?
  2. Why Apple is not creating sample apps in Objective-C? Is Apple encouraging the developers to use Swift langauge? For the future, do I need to know Swift language to continue with iOS app development?

I would appreciate any suggestions and thoughts about this questions.