Got error message when using GravityAndHeading worldAlignment

Hello guys, right now i'm trying to build a basic AR app. to test some of the function. But when i tried to start my application, it gets frozen for no reason and i got the error message :

UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=A sensor failed to deliver the required input., NSUnderlyingError=0x1cc049cf0 {Error Domain=CMErrorDomain Code=101 "(null)"}, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Make sure that the application has the required privacy settings., NSLocalizedDescription=Required sensor failed.}

I did some research and find out it might be course by GravityAndHeading. but the strange thing is when i tried to use another iphone X device and run my application, it worked pretty well. After that i compared all general setting and privacy setting for both iphone x device and both of them have exactly same setting!

Also i did review some old post :
I tested disable compass heading orientation and restarted both my mac and iphone x device, but still can't make the application works correct.
Is there anyone who have the same issue? Please help me >.<


It worded fine on my device if i just using the .gravity for worldAlignment, but i have to use the .gravityAndHeading tho. 😐

From the ARKit Documentation: "Your app's Info.plist must include user-facing text for the NSCameraUsageDescription key so that the user can grant your app permission to access the camera. (If you create a new ARKit app using the Xcode template, a description is provided for you.)"

This is what my Info.plist looks like. As you see i have all the user privacy keys i need to make my application work, and i still can't get this work correctly.