Xcode 8.3 and higher no longer lists expiration dates of personal provisioning profiles

Xcode 8.2 allows you to select Preferences -> Accounts -> Personal ID -> Personal Team (free) and you see a list of personal provisioning profiles downloaded among your different development Macs, with expiration dates.

Xcode 8.3 and higher no longer allows that. You can go to Finder -> your user Library -> MobileDevice -> Provisioning Profiles and check each item for the expiration date and this is only good for 1 Mac.

Is there some other way to check Xcode 8.3 and higher for the same info that was readily accessible on Xcode 8.2?

Thank you,



>Personal Team (free)

No - requires a paid Developer Program account and access to Certificates, Identities and Profiles via the Member Center.