Why doesn't mediafilesegmenter create SAMPLE-AES


I looked in to how our packaging team is invoking mediafilesegmenter and noticed that -S is specified but that the ouput is file based encryption.

The command line used:
mediafilesegmenter -b http://URL -B abc- -i abc.m3u8 -S -J sequence -K http://hls/abc/ -n abc -t 11 -iframe-index-file none -start-segments-with-iframe abc.mp4

Why does this output segments with file based encryption and not sample based encryption?

Accepted Reply

I can answer my own question...

If -k or -encrypt-key-file is used to set an output path for th ekeys, mediafilesegmenter will use SAMPLE-AES.

Seems strange that defaulting to the current directory for the generated keys will change encryption mode...


I can answer my own question...

If -k or -encrypt-key-file is used to set an output path for th ekeys, mediafilesegmenter will use SAMPLE-AES.

Seems strange that defaulting to the current directory for the generated keys will change encryption mode...

Seems like a bug. Please file a radar.

Thank you. I reported radar 35640253.

