Critical Appstore ranking bug


I have recently noticed a bug in the iPad rankings:

Apple-store algo is giving an abnormal importance to the iPad-only apps, letting the Universal apps dropping in the iPad rankings.

I noticed the bug for all the categories (Games, business, ...)

I've sent a General Inquiry to the app store team through iTunes Connect.

Just hope they will take it into accont.


Yes, the bug is back 😕

Now already for a longer period than last time.

Is there any info about what apple is doing about this bug?

Apple fixed it yesterday (9/13) at about 3 pm Pacific Time.

Well... I still have issues with my app not showing up despite seraching with it's exact name: Videa

There are no other app with same name but it assumes it's a typo (video) I guess.

But also it shows up all other non related apps before.

After 1k downloads no change.

By the way Google play shows it at the top of the list - as it's 100% match - despite less downloads.