Detect tap on ARKit SKNode

I'm attempting to replicate the "blasting mode" behavior from the demo in WWDC 2017 Session 609 - Going Beyond 2D with SpriteKit.

In this demo: a tap on the screen displays an anchored emoji and in blasting mode, a tap on the emoji removes it.

I'm not sure how to detect taps on the emoji.

I've tried a few things in touchesBegan of my SKScene subclasss like:

        if let touchLocation = touches.first?.location(in: sceneView),
            let hit = sceneView.hitTest(touchLocation, types: .featurePoint).first {
            let anchor = ARAnchor(transform: hit.worldTransform)
            let node = sceneView.node(for: anchor)


        if let touchLocation = touches.first?.location(in: sceneView),
            let node = nodes(at: touchLocation).first {

Accepted Reply

Ah, figured it out.

First, hitTest is not the right method to determine a tap on a sprit. This is from the docs:

> this method searches for AR anchors and real-world objects detected by the AR session, not SpriteKit content displayed in the view. To search for SpriteKit objects, use the

method of the view's SpriteKit scene.

Second, in my original code, I was converting the touch to the view's coordinate system, not the nodes. This code works:

        if let touchLocation = touches.first?.location(in: self),
            let node = nodes(at: touchLocation).first {


Ah, figured it out.

First, hitTest is not the right method to determine a tap on a sprit. This is from the docs:

> this method searches for AR anchors and real-world objects detected by the AR session, not SpriteKit content displayed in the view. To search for SpriteKit objects, use the

method of the view's SpriteKit scene.

Second, in my original code, I was converting the touch to the view's coordinate system, not the nodes. This code works:

        if let touchLocation = touches.first?.location(in: self),
            let node = nodes(at: touchLocation).first {

Hey, I'm having a similar problem trying to tap on an SCNNode. Was wondering if you could help. I treid your solution but it's not working. If you could take a look at my question I would really appreciate it. Thanks!